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Monday, 2 weeks of vacation starst already and the yoonmin couple were supposedly on daegu right now but jimin pleaded his boyfriend to spare him a whoke day more becaue as he says that hes not still mentally prepared and all other shits eveb though yoongi encourage him almost everyday that alk will be fine and will turn out well jimin's stubborn ass wont budge off so yoongi decided that they will travel to daegu tomorrow afternoon not they are just acting crazily dork as they are dancing ans singibg everywhere , laughing at nothing and snacks all over the floor

"My he-head is sPinnning *erk* i think iM seEiNg stars" jin says as he giggled

"HyuNg *hik* no.. im ThE oblY OnE who cAn mKe you See sturd when..  when i fuxk You keke"

"Hey Kyutiee hehe" tae says as he eye fuck his boyfriend jungkook who looks like about to pass out but licking his lips eye fucking tae

"Ey shexY" jungkook groped tae's ass

"You hab boyfren?" Tae asked and starts kissing jungkook's chin

"Oh no, me Is chestinf when i do this. SORy SheXy i- iAhve boyfriend Sori" jungkook says and passed out on the floor whilw taehyung starts to cry learning jungkook has a boyfriend that he cant hit on him

"OKAY!BOTTOMS UPP!!" namjoon shouts as he raise his can of beer and suddenly jimin, tae, jin, and ami rose up giggling while tae accidentally lickrd his lips looking at his boyfriend passed out on the floor

"Jungkokiee!! Kiss mE i-in lips pease!!" Tae says as he pouts his lips but got no response from his boyfriend so he decided to climb up on jungkook's lap which is above his crotch

"Kiss pease????" Tae begged and pout his lips more to let jungkook kiss hik but got no response again that he starts whinning

"Why gOogIe give no reshpOnse?" Tae says and starts to whine again and shake his boyfriend

"Kook? U otay?" He shakes his boyfriend but jungkook is in his deep sleep

"Omygoat HyunGfies! My boyfwen Ish ded!" Tae says and starts crying

"Ded ded ish no Response my kook" tae says and cried harder and starts to bounce oj jungkook's clothef cock.....but still cryinf cuz his boyfie is dead

"KOokiee! Pease stay awive! ONli a-ask for a kiSsie hmm~~ alIve guuKk OH~~ Hmmm yEasss hArder!! Me cum-" tae didnt finished his words when he also passes out on top of his boyfriend.

The others finish their drinks and passes out too .


Yoongi was the first one to wake up, he groaned and adjust his sigh on the sunny view that surprised his eyesight from the windows as he realized they all slept in the living room and good thing the heater automatically turns on looking at his friends like taekook coupke sleeping with tae on jungkook's chest, jin's face on namjoon's neck, ami cuddled by hoseok on the coutch and lastlt his besutiful drop dead gorgeous ass baby jimin who was gripping on his shirt with a messy hair. He chuckled

He rose up and then the suden action made jimin pull out from the grio on yoongi's shirt that made jimin whine in his sleep at thr loss of warm and yoongi shushes him while patting himself to sleep

And when jimin go back to sleep at instant, yoongi checked the time on the wall clock shows 12:00 pm and he starts to do his morning routine which is brushing his teeth and taking a shower.

When he was all dressed up, he came to the kitchen cooking something for the others so that when they wake up they will just eat and start their day with a less headache that he also prepare the hangover pills for them. And then he walked to the garage checking his car if its in the good condition, he glance at his wrist watch that shows 1pm and decided to quicken his movements to save time because the trip to daegu with his car is 277km like almost 3 hours and 2 minutes depends on the traffic so he might arrive there late ans he doesnt want that.  he starts changing his clothes

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