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The boys are busy preparing foods and presents cuz it was the hot  garfield cat daddy with thick thighs and thick muscles and thick dick's birthday a.k.a yoongi as for jimin's point of view tho

"What are you just standing there jimin? You got yourself a presnt for hyung already?" Taehyung said while vaCUMing the carpet on the sides of the couch jimin was sitting

"I mean my breaths are already present for him.. myself is enough" jimin said watching the machine

"What? Youre gonna gift yourself? Putting red rribbon on your zipper or pants?" Taehyung chuckled and continue to vaccum while jungkook, ami, izumi and hoseok go to the store to buy some ingredients and stuff they need for preparing and jin cooking in the kitchen with namjoon tied up on the kitchen island seat while peeling potatoes (a/n: me is potato:>♡) cuz he feel bad he cant help due to his supernatural destroyer powers while taehyung cleaned and yoongi on his studio so theres no really work for him anymore

"Fucker, but maybe i will" nimin said and giggles and taehyung giggles with him too

"Why the fawk u sittin here like a princess peach-" "stop it u motherfucker or else ill shove this knife to your throat" taehyung was about to say 'princess peach' but namjoon has thaf nickname for jin in their private message so he lowkey sensitive with that topic , sensitive like his nipple-

"Ok so rewind what you doing and not cleaning you frogging princess melon" taehyung says stopping the machine and putting his hand on his waist and raises his eyebrows

"Wut? Yall doing something? What more i can do?" Jimin argued

"Oh stop with your shits jimin. Even if its your boyfriend's birthday doesnt mean you can look all pretty" taehyung sighed and switch on the machine and starts vaccuming again that put red tints on jimin's both cheeks

"W-whag H-hEs not! My boyriend..." jimin says heating up

"Nye nye nye... yeah your hole says otherwise" taehyung says

"I hate you!" Jimin says blushing and ran away whilw taehyung scoffed

"Horny fuckers thinking humping hole while pinned by the wall is sexy tsk.....

..fuck imma call kookie how did i fucking popped a boner imagining him pounding me like that"



"How dare he... i must be so red right now oml" i said as i cupped both of my cheeks as i walked to the kitchen and was startled by namjoon hyung sittinf limp in the kitchen hallway and almost had an heart attack

"WTF HYUNG WHAT U DOING THERE!?" i said as i stare at him with wide eyes, rapid beat of heart and heavy breaths as he looked at me poutedly and raise his hands to point out jin who was rinsing some veggies and i ignored his chikdhish acts by passing him

"Hey jin hyung what happened to your boyfriend?" I asked and hyung just sighed

"I asked him to cut onions but uaed the knife backwars! He almost cutted himself" jin said and glared at namjoon hyung who whimper at the sight 'power bottom' i whispered to myself

"And what are u doing here? And why the fuck youre more red than this spaghetti sauce and chilli paste soup i am cooking?" He said and cupped my face  dumbly

"Oh erm-im kinda finding something to do since you were cooking and tae is cleaning and the rest is in the grocery store" jimin said rubbing his nape

" aww... cmere and taste my spaghetti if you like em" jin hyung said and i smiled excitedly

"Oh please"  i said and he chuckled.. he pulled out a small plate and a fork and put the noodles and then pour sauce and gave me the plate thaf i quickly taste it and my eyes sparkle layk namjoon hyung is so lucky to have him for his cooking

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now