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After the awarding we passed to restaurant with our managers and staffs to celebrate and also feed our tummies...and after that, we decided to go home

We flopped our asses to the van to go home.. manager sejin was the driver with our other manager on the passenger seat, namjin couple at the front. Me in the middle.. jungkook, and hobi at the back.. i closed my eyes and i can see, the world's that waiting up for me, and it feels like home (lmao.. the greatest showman's a million dreams! Kbye!!)

I closed my eyes to nap a bit but i wished i can close my ears too

"Lets celebrate joonie.. " jin said whisperly to his boyfriend namjoon whike leaning his mouth to namjoon's ear

"What's my princess wants?"

"Hmm.. i like to have a date in our bedroom! With rose petals on the floors and candle lights" jin said excitedly

"Then, what my queen wants, my queen gets"namjoon said and definitelt jin giggled at that... and DEFINITELY i rolled my eyes at that..

"Oh ! Before i forgot, what would you like to be on your plate? Because me, i want to have a beef jerky, hotdogs, churros and oh! dumplings, cinnamon rolls, and i have also like chocolate cakes, and fruits for dessert which is peach and many mores!" Jin said excitedly

"Hmm.. i would like to have sizzling hot kim seokjin on my plate please" namjoon says and jin i guess blush like a tomato...and i also cringed at that, i decide to let is pass and pretend that i didnt hear anything.. while jin climb on namjoons lap and start punching his boyfriend's chest

"Yah~~ namjoonah~~ you are so perverrrttyy~~~~" jin said whinning like a dog.. namjoon chuckled at that and hold jin's hips

"Is my baby wanna have beef jerky? Hotdogs? Peach? Chocolates?" Namjoon asked and jin staired at him with pout and doe eyes and nodded...i scoffed at the sight.. i can fucking imagine it... namjoon smirked and lean on jin's ear

"What if daddy (beef) jerks you off and put my hotdogs on that peach until i can taste that sweet WHITE chocolate of yours? What do you say baby" namjoon says and thats it

"Kim fucking namjoon and kim fucking seokjin hyung please, dont fuck right now.. theres a baby on aboard!" I screamed and points at jungkook who was asleep on hobi's lap while his head on the crook of hobi's neck and suckinf his thumb...

"Yeah right.. donr fuck now or even thinkging of fucking in this van again.. its hard to clean those WHITE chocolate from the both of you" manager sejin said and laughed.. while namjin couple is blushing

"Anyways, you did a good job guys.. im so prous of you... bang pd called me and he will give you a week to rest.. starting tommorow" he said. We all smiled and nodded until we finally reach the dorm, we bid goodbyes to the managers and decide to go inside

"Woooooohooo!! The album of the year is!!!!" Hobi asked

"Bangtansonyeondan" we all shouted and laughed including jungkook who was fully awake now...

We entered the dorm and decided to go to our room.. while me and jungkook headed to kitchen to eat.. so hobi is the one who got upstairs first... we are eating peacefully until

"AHHHHHHHH!" Hobi screams so me and kook run upstairs to see a hobi and a unknown girl screaming with here.. until theres 2 guys popped up nowhere and start screaming too... jungkook came and punch the 2 guys and they came unconsious while the girl fainted... until namjoon and jin came upstairs to check... we all look at each others faces while staring at the three body laying on the floor

"Who the hell was these guys?" I said..bluntly



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