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The ray of sunshine poked my closed eyes as i stretch my arms and yawns as i wanna sleep some more, i felt i nudge at something...hard? So i slowly opened my eyes and saw my boyfriend (i maybe twitched cus of that) my yoonie boonie's abs exposed and my mouth fucking waters.. fucking waterfall and i was busy staring at it like i was munching them and eating them and licking them an ughh look at thise thighs fuck i wanna ride till i cant no more

I bit my lips and mutters "fuck it"

As i said those words, i crawl in top of my sleeping boyfriend and decided to- well just yeah just nothing. I just wanna get closer to him thats all.


The older dont know if hes dreaming or having a nightnare or what becahse of the fucking sweaty he feel right now but then he stopped having mental talking time when he felt a heat to one of his leg and a moan after it, he didnt take it seriously at first but the sounds- no screams are gettin louder and louder so he decided to open his eyes and- shit surely sured that he aint gonna regret this one and call it a bummer

Holly fuck...

Because its Jimin with his one hand gripping his hair and other hand on his sleepwear clothes that he has been biting to hide his muffle moans and shit did yoongi's dick became hard on that

"HhMm h-hYung-AaAhh!" Jimin stared at him with drool on his chin and rolled his eyes at the back of his head and continue grinding on his leg

Yoongi cuz of  drowsyness and sudden picture of whats happening, he still cant process all of this but a certain words triggered him

"NnGhh~ UgH m-More" jimin moans and thats when yoong lost his shit. He grabs jimins face in harshful way and kissed him with all of his might. He then grip jimin's waist and pull him closer to his body and sneak his hands on thr latter's pajamas to squeeze his gorgeous fucking ass that made the younger moan and thats the cue when yoongi slid his tounge inside th younger's mouth and travles the wet cavern 

"H-hYunh-" jimin even choke because of yoongi's tounge in him and is catchinf his breathe abd when yoongi breaked off, they were both panting and jimin has drool smeared on his face

"Y-yOu f-fucking slut" yoongi said and smirked between his pants while jimin just moaned loving the degration that he got from the older and yoongi grabbed his hair and tilt it so he cab have the access on the younger's neck and put butterfly kisses on his neck

"Hmm.. so tastful jimin, youre a fucking 5 course meal hmm?" Yoongi said and jimin just moaned

"Didnt even wait hyung to wake up and here you are getting your horny perky beautiful ass on me hmm? What got you horny babe? What are u thinking?" Yoongi said as he syarts kissing jimin's adam's apple and jimin just moaned and then a smack on his buttcheek was heard

"Im fucking questioningbyou baby" yoongi growled and jimin just koanrd cuz of the pleasure and pain

"T-thOught abOut riding hyung's thighs h-Hard and F-fast" jimin confrssed littke embarassed and yoongi just scoffed

"Fucking cockslut you are hmm?" Yoongi said and grab jimin's hair that made jimin cry out.

"Are you a cockslut?"yoongi asked gripping his hair

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