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Im watching tv whike munching cookies but i felt someone is tapping my back and i saw jin hyung

"what is it hyung?" I asked while munching cookies

"i told you i'll send you to a short errund and you can outside so you can buy your boxers as well,.. and You can use my car.." he tossed me the key and leaves.. i sighed and change into my blue vneck lose sweaters and black pants and white converse and dont forgot the black cap and a black mask as well..

I walked down to kitchen "jin hyung, did you already write down those items you want me to buy?" I told him and he faced me

"oh yeah i forgot.. lemme just get some paper and pen" he sayd and i nodded

After a seconds he came back with a pink notebook with matching pink pens

'i wonder why this worldwide shoulders hyung loves pink so much' i whispered to myself

"i still hear you kid.. dont be a brat and just repesct your mom's favorite ok?" He says while  listing down items not taking glance at me

"uuhm ok" i say

He handed me the paper "here.. take care ok? You know how to drive right?no? Should i go instead? Or should i teach you? First thing you have to do is-"i cutted him off

"start the car.. i know hyung, im already 21 for goodness sake" i sighed and just smack my head

"first thing to do is open the fucking car door" he says..

"No hyung, the first thing to do is walk outside that door" i pointed at the front door

"No..the first thing you have to do is walk from here to that fucking door before walking outside that door" he says

"No hyung! The first thing you have to do is blink your eyes!" I said half shouted

"The first thing you have to do is breath" he says and i froze... he slowly stuck out his tongue meaning........

I lost

I sighed and he just patt my head "Mama knows best.. take care ok? Watch your left and right if theres a car approaching" he says and smile.

I smiled back "ok hyung off now" i said and i walk outside the house while folding the paper jin hyung gave me...

I sat on the car, start it and play the radio "this is going to be a long day"


I sat on the couch while scrolling on my phone and beside me is tae who passed out snoring.. i chuckled then he moved his body so he is sleeping sideways..

I scanned him and i saw something big on his butt.. i frowned "is he that hard? No probably not.. his dick is in front not on his butt" i slowly poke it and i feel its little hard "what is this?"i asked myself.. i grab the 'thing' in his butt pocket and my eyes sided


i shoited and he just jump on his sleep

"what what where's the fire?" He asked

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO SOMETHING SILLY OR BAD!" i shouted at him and he saw what im holding so he gasped

"N-no i-its j-just" he is stuttering and now im making my way on his direction

"its just for a project.. yeah" he smiled nervously


We start running around the house for an hour and we both laying on the floor like lazy dogs

"seriously tae? Boxer? From jungkook's room? Are you fucking kidding me?" I told him while laying flat on my tummy and face on the carpet

"cmon.. i cant help myself.. its too cute!! Can i keep it?" He pleaded doing his puppy dog eyes

"no!" I glared at him

"pretttttyy pweeaaseee jimimie hyung?" He sayd with thin voice

"fine! Just dont do it again" i said harshly "yyeeeyyyy!" He says

I feel my phone buzzed at my butt so i checked it oit and its was just a notification and when i start to turn my phone off , i saw the date...

"T-tae we-we ha-have to g-go back now"


"Its november 8 2019"


"If we go back there its november 8 2016"


"I-its jungkook's accident"

We both ran to my room to drink from the bottle

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now