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Park jimin's POV

I slowly open my eyes and i saw taehyung still sleeping like a cute devil.. i chuckled at his cuteness, he is sleeping with his mouth open while theres small saliva who is ready to flow down at his cheeks...

i glance at my phone and i saw its already 10 am.. we have to wake up now so i shake tae

"taetae~~~ wake up.. its already late~~ cmon we have many things to dooooooo~~~" still shaking him while i heared him just grunting

"5 more minutes min" he then face his back on me... i sighed, i leaned closer into him an whispers

"news says the gucci store at the mall have burned down" he then surprisingly woke up and start running at the room packing his things

"im going to save my babies, cmon jimin you have to help me" he says and laugh my ass out

"cmon, youre awake" he frowned at me

"not funny min" he then rolled his eyes on me

"cmon~ i have no choice.. lets get have breakfast and meet our daddies" i smirked and wiggle my eyebrows and we laughed together...

"Hey tae ill just eat cereal and milk, im on a diet, i have to prepare for my nearly wedding.. i dunwana disapoint my yoongi" i blab and he just rolled his eyes

"jimin, its still early for daydreaming cmon.. just wake up ok?" I frowned..

'why is he acting weird all of a sudden at this serious topic?' I asked myself

"tae what's wrong? Is something bothering you?" I asked and stare at him while pouring my milk in to my cereal..

he sighs and sat in front of me in my small island table in my kitchen.... he sighs and looked down

"cmon tae, what's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" He shooked his head and sigh again

"tae, seriously?? Im not going to repeat my words again.... but are you ok? Is something bothering you? Are you not feeling well?" I asked.. he laughed

"bitch yeah you didnt repeat you words" he snorted while i hand him some bowl of cereals

"seriously tae, whats wrong?" I asked again while eating a spoon of cereal "its just jungkook" he says with cereal in his mouth

"what about him?" i asked while eating too "he cheated on me on my dream.. i hate him now, i want to break up with him.." i sighed

"kim...fucking..taehyung are you fucking serious right now? Its just a dream tae..just remember those delicious abs you saw last night" and i shoved another spoon of cereal

"thish shereal ish nothin for thowsh absh" he says full of cereal in his mouth...

Once we finished eating.. we threw ourselves at the couch in the living room we looked at each other "so what now?" Tae asked me

"should.....we....give it a shot?" I smirked at him

"cmon, i miss my husband already" he says "wait.. im gonna go look at the bottle" i say and walk toward my room and took the bottle and go back to living room

"here" i say

"just one drop tae ok? Were both not ready yeat" i says and he nodded..

we both dipped our fingers in the bottle and i placed the bottle in the small table in living room and we both sucked our finger..and we both go unconscious......

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