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"Manager nim pls~~ its the 1st time i asked you a favor plss plsss" yoongi plead while talking on his phone with bang pd on the other line... the producer just sighed

"A day min yoongi or im gonna let u sing the butterfly all by yourself" the pd said as yoongi jumped at that time

"Yes!.. i will.. have a great day sir" yoongi smiled and cutted the call

"What did he say?" Jungkook asked,..yoongi? Jungkook, and jhope are sitting on the balcony downstairs drinking their coffee to start their day as the others are still asleep cuz they were still sleepy as the 8 of them decided to have a movie marathon which happens to be a horror and then the 8 of them are too scared to sleep as they think a ghost will grab their soul on their unconscious body

"Hyung, jungkook... everytime u finish a sentence make fucking sure theres always a hyung and pd says ok" yoongi says and jungkook muttered a small "ok hyung"

"Whats your consequence tho?" Hoseok asl knowing band pd always have consequence when the members asked favors but reach or passed their limits,.

"He said he'll gonna make me sing the whole butterfly by myself only" yoongi said as the latter laughed

"Youll surely gonna sing like a horse hyung" hoseok said as he and jungkook are still laughing

"Shut up.. youre. The horse here horseok (A/n: YALL DUN GET MAD AT ME CUZ MY FIRST LOVE IN BANGTAN IS MA BB HOBIII) they continue to laugh until everything went silent as they drank theit coffee with yoongi thinking hard

"You look problematic hyung" jungkook asked and then yoongi sighs

"Just... i dont know where should i take my jimin.. he is asking for me for like, taking him on a date" yoongi said as he sip on his coffee

"Oh really? Tae asked me too.. were gonna go to the zoo later cuz he said he wants to release those animals in cage saying 'they wont steal them so why put then im cage' and maybe watch fireworks and bang" jungkook said as hoseok choked on his coffee and thats the reason why some of the hot liquid pour into his thighs

"Owww fuckkk,.. your boyfriend is wild kook.. i think he is the one who needsnto be in cage.. hope yall date will be fine tho, ami did the same he asked me to take her to date.. ill maybe take het to amusement park, shes dyin' to go there anyways" hoseok said wiping his mouth and wiping some wet liquid on his thighs

"I actually didnt knos where to- oohhh.. okkkk" yoongi said and smiled widely

"He is crazy" hoseok said as he put his index finger near hus ear and rolled it repeatedly

"Oh.. you awake? Its too early" namjokn says walking by their direction holding a cup of maybe coffee too

"Yeah.. 9 am.. its early hyung" jungkook replied to namjoon which is now sitting across jungkook

"i mean.. yoongi hyung is waking up at 6 pm like that" namjoon says as he sipped on his confirmed coffee

"Oh namjoon.. i woke up early today, and you should take my steps namjoon.. waking up late is not good, its 2020 ffs pls changed already" yoongi sayd encouraging the younger and make the 4 other laugh

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