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"Soo.. tell me about yourself" i said while taehyung is doing my make up while the noona is doing my hair

"Did you really said 'tell me about yourself'? And not 'tell me about jimin'?" Taehyung replied to me still doing my make up... i rolled my eyes

'Its not like i want to know his past so i can fucking date him amd marry hi-

"You first then jimin"

(A/n: you fucking whipped!)

"Taehyung-ssi.. his hair and make up is done, and i think the last part was his clothes annnd.. manager-nim told me that he assigned you in that... sooo i excuse myself to assist those artist on namjin and jin over there" the noona said and tae nodded.. and thats her cue to leave

"So about the topic.. hi, im kim taehyung.. i was born in daegu on december 30, 1995.. " taehyung said while rammaging througg clothes that ill wear

"Thats all i can tell you about myself because being secret agent on the highest supreme authority is not easy, and we  are not allowed to share important infos about ourselves.. oh but its less important so imma tell you that i like to catch unicorns someday"tae giggled and i stared at him with shock

"U-uhm.. ok?" I said and cleared my throat

"Well, in other hands, jimin... that mochi was borned under the bridge" he said and i widen my eyes

"Omygod! Really?!! Is he my missing brother? My mom told me she just picked me under the bridge" i said as my i reminisce my mom telling me that she just found me crying under the bridge and took me home.. i know it was a joke tho, she just love to tease me that much

"Even you are indeed his brother, youll stilk fucking date him cuz you know why? Both of your ass is family stroked" he said ang chuckled.. i rolled my eyes

"But seriously, jimin is the most kind hearted person ive ever know.. we kinda met when we were both 5.. he was born on busan, october 13th 1995.. he was just month older than me thats why people call us soulmates"taehyung said and smiled dreamily

I scoffed at that and i rolled my eyes.. 'fucking soulmate.. me and jin-hyung were like that but were bot soulmate.. . We fucking hate each other' i mumbled to myself

"And you know, he was an orphan.. but look at him now" tae said as i looked at him while he look at jimin from afar

"He grew well.. his height doesnt but, it doesnt matter anyways.. he is smilingn, he can handle himself, he can giggle, he is happy,  the guy hugging jimin and jimin hugged bac-WAIT WHAT!!???" tae said startled and i looked at jimin's direction

And saw someone hugging him.. he wasnt hugging back so i think the guy was sexualizing him.. i can see he is doubting and i saw his both arms are slowly raising and later itll fall down again

'Pls dont pls dont pls dont' i prayed to myself but he finally swing his arms up and hugged back i groaned....taehyung suddenly looked at me and make me stand up dressing me with coat and fixing it.. still looking at jimin, they broke the hug but both of them arw giggling and laughing


"Why cant he smile and laugh like that when he is with me" yoongi said to himself and imagining the bastard pulling jimin's tiny waist and pucking his tongue out just to tease yoongi... he suddenly wants to kill at the thought

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now