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Its been three days since yoongi is ignoring me.. Its just that why would he ignore me? Im the one who should ignore him because of the kiss!!!

-flashback three days-

"What did i do wrong?' I asked myself while sittin gin the couch... i heaved a long sigh and walked to thr kitchen to see jin chopping some vegetables

"Oh jimin... you hungry?" He asked

'Yeah. Im hungry for his attention' i mumbled to myself and looked down

"Uhm what?. Why do you sound sad?? Is there anything wrong?? Cmon... help mama" he said whil washing his hands, dryinf it ro his apron and lut the apron on the kitchen island to come and hug me

" nothing hyung.. i think im tired.... " i said he sighed and looked at me

"Yoi shouldnt be ok? We'll have our family time today!! Since youre part of this family, we can play games layer after dinner ok?" He said

"REALLY?? that sounds exciting!!" I squealed and he just laughed...

-time skip-

We ate dinner and head to livingroom upstairs...

"Sooo.. since its our family day, we will have to play games like we always do!" Hobi hyung said...tae , and , ami's ears perked up

"Really? Should we go outside?" Ami said while head her head hanging. Low

"What? No!.. you are part of this family ok?" Jungkook said and faced tae to carress his cheek... i cooed at the sight..

"Ok guys.. since theres 8 of us here, we'll gonna team up for 2 person per group, since the scrabble letter holder is only 4... agree?" Namjoon-hyung asked

"Agreed babe.. and after can we play mafia gamee!!??" Jin hyung squealed and namjoon-hyung just chuckled

"Of course baby" he sais and pecked jin-hyung's dorehead

"Ok hyungs.. stop that. Lets start pairing ourselves." Jungkook said

"Uhmm.. isnt it obvious? Its taehyung you want to pair with, not other members" hobi-hyung said and chuckled

"Ok.. i pair myself with taehyung" jungkook said and taehyung blushed

"Im gonna pair myself with ami" hosoek-hyung said

"Im gonna pair myself to my boyfriend" nanmjoon hyung said and we all looked at yoongi-hyung who was not really focusing on our topic

"What? Do you believe im gonna pair myself to this man?" Yoongi-hyung said and points at me... i felt my heart crashed at the moment... i down my head

"Pair jimin with jin-hyung and pair me with me namjoon... id rather lose than pairing with jimin" he said deadpanned.. other members stared at him with shocked on their faces

"Uh-uhmm ok hyung sooo... lets start guys" namjoon hyung said

We start to play the game named scrabble.. its a game which is the player should buil a words then the other player will use a one letter on the first word to create a new word.. so on and so fort... i wasnt really focusing that time because yoongi-hyung keeps glaring at me like.. what did  i doo??

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now