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I threw my body on my bed and stare at the ceiling... i checked my checked my clock that reads 9:40 pm..

"What should i do now? I want jimin to be mine" i sighed, and rolled to my side and grab the pillow and hugged it with all my strength

"I need him, i want him... i think i cant live without him on my side" i sughed again and cloae my eyes i felll asleep

-time skip-

I suddenly woke up without a reason and that makes me groan... i sat up the the edge of the bed and think about him

Jimin jimin jimin jimin jimin jimin jimin jimin park jimin is what my my mind thinks about

Great, now i cant sleep i said to myself and sighed again... i stand up and find mu phone which is on my nigtstand and check the time which shows 1:30 AM.. i started to walk downstairs and make my way to the kitchen..

"Fucking bears...your relationhsip wont last long.. i swear on jimin's plump ass" i said as i pour myself a water using a 2 bears inlove with each other mug designef.... i scowled at the sight

I walked at the balcony  and stand and rest both of my arms on the ballaster and looked up at the dark night sky.. i heave a long breathe and opened my eyes and saw the balcony upstairs....

"Oh" i grinned and quickly maked my way to namjin's room


i glanced at my watch and it shows 10:00 PM.. i cant sleep, bcs of him, mIn the fucking yoongi

I scoffed "why woukd he  even ask me out likr that.. who even ask their gir-boy to date them like that!?" I said angrily... i hugged my pillow and i imagined its yoongi-hyung..

I started to punch the pillow "you jerk.. is that ways of mes asking girls to date them!? By pinning them to the wall! I know and you know that its hot! But is that how?!!" I said half shoutedly and continue to punch the pillow... i stopped and i feel bad about the innocent pillow.. i put it on my chest and hugged it again..

"Maybe if i say yes to him, it should be him who i was hugging right now, not this pillow" i sighed "why wouldnt you just say 'park jimin, the most-no.. park jimin, the not so beautiful human specie i saw in this whole world, can you be my boyfriend?' Is it that hard to tell?" I sighef again and close my eyes until i fell asleep..

-time skip-

Im peacefully sleeping until i felt that someonw was shaking me

"Jiminie, wake up" the angelic voice filled my ears thats why i smiled

"Cute" the voice mumbled

"Please go away tae..." i groaned and o rolled to my other side

"Jiminie, please~~" the voice said sweetlt that i want its owner to cuddle until it cannot breath..

"Tae.. ita fucking 2 in the morning!" Do you have a death wish¿!??" I said still my eyes closed.

"I can die epecially when my killer is very sexy and pretty as you" wait- i shot my eyes open and saw yoongi-hyung

"H-hyung w-what?"

"Oh oh! Thr drool will fall.. it'll fall!" He said and pointed at my chin

I grasped my chin panickedly and ran to the bathroom

"Thats embarassing" i said as i pant

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now