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i yawned as i feel sunlight beems through my window.. i start to wiggle and make myself to sit and go to the bathroom immediately just to do my morning routine an-

I stopped talking to my thoughts when i can feel mt body wrapped around a super thic blanket.. why cant i move!??

I starts to wiggle because i think its suffocating me and i vant breat-

"Five more minutes" i heard a groggy voice.. thr voive that made me shot my eyes immediately.. i froze

Until i remember the last night's scenes.. i blushed..i looked at yoongi's hands wrapped around my waist.. i decided to look rolled on my side just to look at him.. and i did

His cute lil nose, his fluffy and very shiny black hair.i wonder what shampoo he used to his hair i thought to myself... i suddenly lift my index finger and point at his exposed forehead, then to his eyebrows, nose and


He was mine i said to myself

I still cant believe it.. my bias,my world.. my universe, just asked me to be his boyfriend last night, and now... im his boyfriend.. he was mine, and im his-

"Just take picture and even laminate it.. itll last long" i said yoongi said with awake eyes now.

"I-im not even st-staring"i said as i pull my index finger and starts to drift into thr other side again. But before i do, yoongu grab my hips and strengthly put me on the top of his chest... i gasped

"You liar" he said smirking.. his going closer.. toooo closseee i looked into his cat eyes, and then i decide to close mine.. when he suddenly rolled us over that make my eyes opened again, now he was hovering me

"You are expecting more dont you?"yoongi said as he remove some strands of hair in my forehead.. while i just lost staring at his lips..

"Baby~" he called me.. i feel my body getting hot already.. it turns me on.. i whimpered

"You want me kiss you jiminie? Or bite you? Mark you? Or do both cause im willing to do s-" i cutted him off wrapping my both hands into his neck.. as i pulled him into kiss.. until we parted and i rolled us again, now im sitting unto his hips, his hands on my waist

"Good morning my boyfriend" he said and i blinked many times..

BOYFRIEND!! i shouted at myself
HE FUCKING CALLED ME HIS BOYFRIEND! I mentally shouted at myself... i still cant believe this hawt cat was actually my boyfriend

"Hello- Good morning too boyfriend"i said and i can my feel my blood circulating unro my cheeks and my heart beating uncontrolably.. i suddenly get shy and hid my my fave into the crook of his neck

"Awwwww baby~ you are so cute" he said chuckling and pinched my cheeks unto th side of his neck.. i think i can apply to be a tomato in tomato plantation tho..  i feel my cheeks were morr like tomato!

"Dooonntt~~" i whined and wiggle my body unto his "Stawwwppp~" i whined again

"Ok ok.. im sorry baby, ill stop now" he said and i sat myself in his hips again

"I said 'dont stop'" i glared at him and pouted that made him chukcled

"You are so cute" he said

"Hmpph!!" I pouted even morr and cross my arms

"My baby"


His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now