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"suga hyunggg~~ comeback please"

"... jimin baby I just-"

" no hyyunnggiee please comeback pretty please I missed youuu~~" jimin whined at the other line as yoongi went out to buy some beverages to the fact that their fridge now is empty and the other member is having a funtime wit their own lover and the said couple was on the mini balcony of the older's room. yoongi just sighed and decided to fasten his shopping to go back to his boyfriend who was just staying 3 blocks away from him. he then exit the shop and walk home whilst jimin is still in the phone whining and tears is now visibly forming and on the verge of breaking down cuz what? he misses his boyfriend so much (an; sanaol.. kaway kaway sa mga walang jowa jan)

yoongi then manage to open the door and close it with his hips due to the heavy plastic bags around his arms and place the bags into the counter and starts to unpack the items one by one that takes him for about 30 mins. still cleaning the bags scattered on the floor and folding the bags and putting it in one of the drawers. then he decided to go upstairs quickly due to the fact that namjin couple is being loud again doing their "jiujitsu training" he just sighed and walked faster ad opened his room revealing jimin wrapped around the thick blanket on the floor hugging his knees and crying.. he froze at the sight and his whole body feels numbed seeing his jiimin being vulnerable like that and that's because of him is enough to make his whole body feels numb.. he just stand there dumbfounded

jimin then noticed the figure at the door and broke down into tears and wobbled to his boyfriend and throwing himself to the older..(if ure wandering why jimin is acting so needy and why does he seems have menstrustion breakdown well this is the part when jimin noticed somethings wrong by thise syllables that keeps appearing to his sight and he thinks he might lose yoongi any time now)

"w-where have you beh-eenn~~" jimin cried more and yoongi lifted him up whilst yoongi holding his bum for support amd the youmger wrapped his arms around the older's neck while still crying..

"ar-are you ma-mad at me??" jimin wailed louder thinking that yoongi might have been so mad at him

"shhh baby shhhh, I got you I got you" and with that yoongi shut his door and walked with jimin clinging on him like a koala and plopped his ass down on the mini couch on his room and jimin on his lap

"why are you crying by the way?" yoongi asked jimin as he lift the younger's chin to make him look up to himself revealing a puffy and red nose and eyes, welp yoongi should probably feel bad abt that don't u think?

"b-because whe-when I-I woke-e up *hiccups* y-you weren't th-there s-so I-I thought I-I lo-lost you-hhuuu *sobs*" jimin sobbed again and yoongi hugged te younger and playing circles with jimin.s back and whispering sweet words to him and after a minute the younger's sobs are getting quitter

"what made you think youll gonna lose me anyways hmm? u have a bad dream??" yoongi asked but he shouldn't as jimin thinks all of the possibility of losing yoongi and what harm can the syllables can make towards him and his boyfriend,

"be-because *hicc* I-" and with tht jimin sobbed again and yoongi hugged jimin again tighter and playing with the younger's hair and circling his fingers unto the latter's back whispering comforting words and minutes has passed again, jimins crying session is all gone now the said couple was just cuddlin on the couch, jimin on yoongi's lap and resting his head on yoongi's chest clutching the shirt of the older.

"I was jus gone for about 1 hour goodness gracious baby, how much attention do you need?" yoongi asked chuckling teasing the younger, jimin then lift his head and whined

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