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The car ride was so peaceful and quiet. Jimin and tae are sitting at the back of the car while the said Pd is sitting in the passenger's seat and the driver was mr. Choi while ami and izumi are sitting on the car behind the one tae and jimin riding right now tailing them to go to the said location which is their dorm

"So its been 2 years and 3 months since weve last seen mr. Choi and bang pd"tae said whispering unto jimin's ear

"Yeah yeah for real for real i almost forgot how mr. Choi looks like. He changed , like a lot to be honest" jimin whispered back leaning to taehyung while taehyung just nodded, agreeing on the older's statement

"Yeah looks like bang pd had gotten bigger again-" "So jimin andd???" The voice of bang pd suddenly interupted their small talk

"Its taehyung siirr T-A-E-H-Y-U-N-G as in TAE-HYU-NG... its been totally 10 times u asked my name sir and u still havent memorized it " taehyung whined with irritation on his voice

"Chill kid ok i will just call you V" the pd said and chuckled, jimin let out an akward laugh while taehyung just showed his boxy smile

Oh wait... its deja vu taehyung said unto his mind while smile fading unto his lips


While ami is sitting in the passenger seat with jae-in is driving and izumi sitting alone at the back playing with his phone. The drive was good until jae-in sped up a little because the car ahead of them is driving very fast and lowkey disappearing in front of jae-in who supposed to tail them and when he did step on the gas he didnt notice that there was a speed bump in the neighbourhood they were passing by that made them bounce on their seat and izumi accidentally dropped her phone into the said impact.

"Are you guys ok?" Jae-in suddenly stopped the car and look at ami and izumi

"Yeah im fine i think" ami said while gentlt rubbing her haid cuz her head bumped into the window due to the said impact

"Ms. Sena are you okay?" Jae-in looked at sena and ami did look into the lady at the back too while izumi stared at the two of them with disgust and harshly grab her phone laying into the car's floor

"Do i look like im ok?" She said

"Uhm no?" Jae-in answered hesitantly that made izumi scoffed

"You already know, why the fuck you still asking about it?" Izumi said with a huff and rolled her eyes and go back to playing with her phone.

Jae-in and ami looked at each other and ami gave him an apologetic smile while jae in just heave a sigh and they continue to drive.

Minutes pass later; ami and jae-in are talking about themselves in order to know each other easing the silent ride until izumi's phone rang and the two at the front didnt bother to mind it cuz they were busy laughing and cackling about stupid things theyre talking about

"私はすでにここの人々を憎んでいます" izumi said that caught ami's attention and ami just pretended to listen to jae-in while eavesdropping at what izumi is saying (i already hate all the people here)

"あなたをファックして、黙ってください。ここにいる全員ではなく、ミン・ユンギに会いたいだけです。車は安すぎてここは足が不自由です"izumi said angrily (Fuck you and shut up. I just want to meet Min Yungi, not everyone here. The car is too cheap and its so lame here) (A/N: IDK IF THIS IS WRONG CUZ I JUST USED GOOGLE STUPID TRANSLATE)

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