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He fucking regret it jimim said to himself.. its been 2 days since that time when yoongi talked to him...

He was sitting on jin's bed while tapping both of hi foot on the floor

"Argh! Why love is soo hard! And what is wrong with mee!! Im the one who shoukd blame on this!.. i swear im never gonna drink again!" He whined and and pouted.. he threw his body on the bed and sighed.. close for eyes for a minute then rose up again

"I know you can do this jimin! Lets just say sorry to yoongi-hyung for ignoring him for. The past 2 days! Its not he will be gay for you!.. your gayness was nothing to do with him anyways" he said cheerfully on thr first part but pouted at his last sentence... he sighed and stand up and walked outside of the room meeting yoongi going in his direction


"What did i do to him?" Yoongi said while staring at his ceiling.. arm on the back of his head, and the another one is on his mouth, scanning the memories they shared for the last 2 days and before eveything was a mess

"Im sure i said sorry to him like 3 times"he said as he swithced the position of his hands

"But why was he ignoring me??" He asked again


"Hmm well thats weird?"  Yoongi asked himself when jimin excuse himself saying jin is looking for him.. he starts to walk inside and saw the other member eating snacks at the balcony downstairs

"Yoongi come here.. namjoon bought snacks for us" jin said while signal8ng his hands for yoongi to come over

"Oh.. what we have there?" Yoongi asked approaching the group

"Hmm.. we have bingsu, mochis, some bread, and some mallows" ami said and yoongi sat beside jimin

"Ah, hyung, can we switch place? I like to sit alone.. its hot, i kinda feel like im suffocating with two hyungs sitting beside me" jimin asked namjoon who is sitting on a solo chair...

"Of course" namjoon said and they switched positions.. yoongi frowne at the younger's behavior

Now, they were sitting.. on the left long bench, it was namjoon, jin, yoongi.. on the right was jungkook, taehyung, ami.. on chair ahead was jimin, and other was hoseok....yoongi stabbed a manngaettok (mochi) and about to put it in his mout-

"Yah jimin -hyung? Why are you not eating?? Mochi is your favorite right??" Taehyung said making all members looked at him and jimin.. and unfortunately? The last piece was on yoongi who about to put it on his mouth...

"Yeah yeah.. taehyung oppa said that jimin-hyung would kill people just have the last piece of mochi in this planet" ami said and hobi pinched her cheeks which makes her giggle.. yoongi put away the chopsticks and cleared his throat

"Ahmm. Jimin, im not really into ricecakes so you can have this if you want?" Yoongi asked looking at jimin who looked back

"N-no hyung its can have it. Like reaaally have it" jimin said avoiding yoongi's stares

"Are you sure?" Yoongi asked

"Of course" jimin forced a smile while looking at yoongi's neck.. to avoid yiongi's eyes

"Wrap up... lets play a game sice tommorow we will return to our worrks aand its going to be hell again" jin said standing up to sit on namjoon's lap

"Right.. im gonna miss spending my time with you" hobi said caressing ami's cheeks

"Y-yah st-stop that!" Ami blushed and covered her face while hobi just giggled

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now