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*knock knock*

" kook! were getting late cmon move your fucking ass you asswipe! your mother is gonna kill me if i go downstairs without you!" namjoon grumbled imagining his pretty  prince jin with a knife on his hands ready to cut his dick because theyre late at their meeting with the mayor which is taehyung's father as they (tae and ami) decided to use the kim's ball to introduce their lovers. as for namjin couple they arent supposed to be here but namjoon almost set their camping van due to his clumsiness so they just decided to go home and go with hosami and taekook couple.

"w-wait uughh hyung i-im" jungkook says inside his room with wobbly voice? namjoon frowned as he shrug

"at the count of tree im opening this damn door kook!" namjoon threatened and when he was about to count, there was jungkook who was sweaty as fuck and... shirtless?

"what the hell are you doing? are you masturbating? and why the heck are you still naked? wwere going in a minute! " namjoon looked at him with disgust and jungkook just scratch the back of his head 

" oh hehe hyung i dont have clothes to wear" jungkook sheepishly smiled and joon rolled his eyes and walk past through jungkook and opened his closet

"what are you saying? you have these white cardigans and white shirts, pants, more white shirts, jacket, your blue pastel suit hi taehyung, more jackets and turtle necks" namjoon then faced him with boring looks and then sighed

"i expect you to be downstairs in a minute" he said and left while jungkook and taehyung stared at him dumbfouded but with a smirk.

-time skip-

the 6 idiots are inside the limo of taehyung's father as they travel into tae's house and theyre looking expensive as evah! 

"i miss jimin oppa" ami sighed and hobi kissed his cheeks while jin scoffed at that

" i miss jimin" this time jin pouted and hobi rolled his eyes muttering a small 'insecure fucker'  and with that namjoon kissed jin's forehead that made the older blush and taehyung snickered

"i miss my soulmate kookie" taehyung pouted and jungkook lift tae's chin and shoved his tounge in taehyung's throat and the other widen their eyes at that and jin threw a small pillow at them that made them break their making out moment.


"cant blame me hyung when my boyfriend looks like a snack" jungkook said and bite his lips looking at taehyung and the latter just moaned and the other just groaned and taehyung put his face in jk's neck

"can you like, pause you hormones here? you can fuck your sweetheart l a t er yknow!" jin says and rolled his eyes feeling disgusted

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now