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Jimin slowly opened his eyes and was blinded by a strong light coming from the windows of the room

He's about to stand up but he felt a grip on his tiny waist and a whimper coming to the person hugging him from behind. He gulped and slowly turn his head to see a sleeping yoongi and his breathe hitched remembering the past happenings and a tear slipped into his eyes and then it wont stop. He starts to whimper and sob but he tried his best to cover his mouth to muffle his cries but he failed cuz thag wakes up a cat

"J-jimin?" Yoongi groggily said but he widen his eyez when he see the younger had his hands on his mouth while sobbing

"Hey baby whats wrong? Aiigooo my love whats wrong hmm? Tell hyung whats botherinf. You" yoongi said sitting and pull jimin between his legs and the younger hugged yoongi and starts crying

"Shhh shhh everything will be alright my sweet little butterfly" yoongi said pampering the younger whos still crying

Minutes later when jimin lift his head to meet yoongi's eyes full of concern with his puffy red eyes he gentlt pushed yoongi's chest

"i-I H..HATE You!" Jimin said crying again

"Shh shhh baby i know im sorry" yoongi tried to reach jimin again but the younger swatted his hands away

"D-dOnt baby! You h-Have izumi s-so Shut up!" Jimin cried and stand up and was about to walk to the door but his whole body limped resulting him to fall down on his knees and yoongi hurriedly stand up to help the younger to stand up

"N-no! Dont. Touch meee!"  Jimin said whailed

"Baby, jimin, my sweet little flower dont make this hard for hyung okay? Come here babe" yoongi said and lift the younger bridal style and walked to the veranda of his room and flopped his ass on one of the chair with a struggling jimin on his hold

"Hey baby.. look at me please jimin please" yoongj said and cupped jimins face whike tears gushing out of the younger's cheeks and yoongi kissed both of his cheeks

"Nuuee! I h-hate you! W-why you chose to b-believer her lies more than m-me!? And now h-here you are cal-calling me!" Jimin sobbed and lightly punched yoongi's chest while yoongi hugged the younger and put jimin's nose on the crook of his neck

Minutes later, sniffles are just heard on both of the boys sitting at veranda and jimin on his hyung's lap stradling the older

"M'sorry jiminie.. hyung is sorry.. i dont know, please forgive hyung baby im really sorry" the older said and kissed the younger's head while that made the younger sobb again

"Shhh.. shhh my baby flower.. im sorry hyung wasted yoyr tears and ruining your beautiful eyes and face im sorry babe" yoongi said and cupped jimin's face again while more tears running on jimin's cheeks

"But i-i saw you maked out with her one time!" Jimin says hiccuping that made yoongi reached out for the glass of water on his right desk and make jimin drink it

"I did make out with her baby. But its just one time. And im not gonna do it again.. shes a good company i guess, we used to do things the same so i kinda liked to hang out with her neglecting you.. im sorry baby, even shes same hobbies as me youre more than tastier than her i mean your lips" yoongi said

"What the fuck h-hyung im crying here but u use your right to explain directly indirectly getting into my pants?" Jimin said not so sarcasticly

" i mean you cant blame me when youre so sexy in these shorts" yoongi said and carresses jimin's thick shiwed thighs

"Wow babe.. so smooth and thick" yoongi said and gripped his left thigh sending shiver on jimin's spine and a breathy moan escaped on his lips while yoongi smirked at that

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