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"You guys did great earlier" namjoon said smiling to the 3 people infront of him while theyre sitting on the sofa drinking soda on their straws and taehyung removed his mouth and straw to show his boxy smile

"I was soo freaking nervous earlier by the stares of the staff at the back of the camera" ami said and layed like a starfish in the couch and namjoon just let out a breathy chuckle

"Yeah... expectations... that wors stress me a lot before i-we... debuted, its all hassle thinking about people's expectations about you soooo, that seems normal" namjoon said and jimin and taehyung nodded their head whike sipping on the straw while namjoon was busy chuckling but averted his eyes on something not so nice to see. Especially when youre a boy.. he cleared his throat and walked to him and jin's room

"Hmm? What happened to him? Yoi saw his face was so red, does he have fever or something" jimin said sipping on his soda while eyeing the walking away namjoon

"I dont know" taehyung said and ami just continue to lie down there like a starfish and stare at the ceiling

A seconds later namjoon starts walking back in the living room with a cozy blanket in his arms

"Wheres the other hyungs?" Taehyung asked to namjoon whos walking to their direction

"Jin and jungkook go to market to buy  something for dinner while hoseok and yoongi is in the studio finishing their work" namjoon said and walked to ami and throw the blanket at his right shoulder and lift ami by his hands on ami's underarm that made ami jolt with surprise

"And you lady, shouldnt sit like that" namjoon said and starts putting the blanket at the girl's lap cuz shes wearing a skirt and the way she sit is a bit revealing.. jimin and taehyung had their eyes wider than any lose hole while ami felt her cheeks tainted with red and a weird feeling om her stomach

"Oh uhmm yeah sorry for my cousin. She sits like she have a dick soo yeah" taehyung said and glared at ami whike his teeth gritted and namjoon just chuckled still standing in the front of the girl and pats the girl's head and lean on the girl's ear

"I saw the little purple down there so be carefuk next time" namjoon said and about to wink but the door suddenly opened revealing a furious jin and a lost looking puppy jungkook with both of his hands playing with the hem of his shirt and jin stared at namjoon up and down and glared him mind linking that he saw 'THAT'

"Hey hyung why you look like you tried farting a thousand times but you cant because you put gorilla glue on your butthole cuz look at that face so red and why does jungkook look like he will cry in a bit now" taehyung said following jin to the kitchen

"He throw a fuss at the store!" Jin half yelled that made jungkook pouted even more

"Hyung hes still a ki-yeah jungkook whyd u made a fuss" namjoon was about to scold jin for being harsh to their youngest son but jin shoot him with the 'i still didnt forget what u did earlier' look so namjoon just stared st the ceiling and jungkook remained silent

"Im sorry guys i-... i just dont know what makes me frustrate righr now, im sorry you have to see this side of me" jin said and heave a deel sigh

"We understand hyungie.. we all go through our own edges and limitations so its okaym we'd actually like you guys not to treat us as your guests yknow like u can be comfortable infront of us" taehyung said

"We should say that to you also but whats with all of thr fuss jungkook?" Namjoon. Asked

"I MAY have been made a 5 year old kid cry at the store" jungkook said avoiding their stares whike jin whos arranging the groceries scoffed

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