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"Hello, We are " namjoon who started "BTS" and the rest of the member shouted with namjoon and they clapped together and they all sat criss cross presented to the camera.. they were on the living room upstairs but this time all of the sofas are gone

"So today's episode is what we titled 'Introducing yourself' is very exciting for me and also shoule be to all of our armys around the world too" namjoon said facing the camera then facing jin

"Yes youre right..  i am excited too! So lets all start, lemem call the attention of our four participants who won the draw; Park jimin-ssi , kim taehyung-ssi, Lee ami-ssi, And izumi sena-ssi" all the members clapped with the staff at the back of the camera and the four entered the scene and bow while walking towards the group..

They gestured the four to sat on the fluffy pillow mat and their arrangement from the righr is jin, jungkook, hoseok, yoongi,, jimin, taehyung, ami, izumi and namjoon is in between them

"Chan... sooo for all of armys this is a reminder that the four participants won equally fair.. no cheating and handing money and stuff. Please be kind to them" jin smiled at the camera pointed at him

"So, lets all start..we will have three criteria for this episode. First; for his little info" namjoon said while fiddling with the pages of the small card in his hands "his hometown is busan, he loves to dance and study, he is 5'9 tall his name is park jimin. Baksu" and they all clapped (baksu-clap)

"Please introduce yourself" namjoon said whike jimin is panicking.. he is extrovert he knows it since his beautiful baby skin arse breathed air in this whole motherfucking world but now, facing millions of people by the camera? Nah...

He didnt know wheres the camera so he start to play with the hem of his sweatshirt (A/n. Lets just say he wore his DNA outfit on this ep.) And started to sweat.. all of the eyes are on him that made him panick. He wanna cry so bad that he thinks they hold grudges towards him bevause of the stares hes getting,

"U-uhm.. c-can i- g-go to the bat-bathroom?" He said shyly and his face was like crushed tomatoes

"Cut!" The director shouted and jimin ran downstairs to the girl's room to use thr vathroom cuz the hallway of their room upstairs were stack of staffs for the episode... he opened the bathroom's door and ran to the sink quickly to wash his face and look at his face on the mirror while panting so hard he didnt know if hes tired from running or hes just nervous...

He walked to the hallway and about to lock the girl's room but when he face the hallway direction, a glass of water popped out of his face and he look at the person who holds them, he just wanna splash the water unto him again to see if hes dreaming or maybe he wanna be wet (A/n: wink wonk)


I was startles to see yoongi hyung with glass of water and staring to my eyes and being dumb i was i need to ask him if he had a map with him cuz i seem to be lost in his eyes (A/n: butter baby.. butter)

"Jimin!" He yelled at me taking my attention

"U-uh wh-what hyung?" I said while avoiding his gaze

"I said take the damn fucking water! my hand is getting tired" he spoke shoutedly with irritation in his voice and i rapidly  get the glass on his hand and hold it with the both of my hands

"Thank you but u didnt have to shout at me" i said in a lowly voice and lower my head with a pout . It hurts to be shouted by your love ones.

I heard him sigh and take the glass of water to my hands and raise ny head with the 2 of his finger on my chin and our eyes met.. i feel like he is the yoongi i loved before... the one who tells me that he loves me and everything will be alright.

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now