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After tae called the "mysterious person" .. we both head to our rooms to sleep..

-time skip-

We are on the park nearby to meet this "mysterious person" tae called last sight begans to wonder on those kids who was playing with their mom and dad... i just sigh, then i heard theres someone calling taehyung's name

"HEY TAEBITCH!!!" A girly voice called stepping out of her car.. so we both snapped our heads to her...

She was wearing a tight jeans that hugged her thighs, black naked heels on the front and white blouse with matching brown coat and pink scarf around her neck.. wellll

She is sooo prettyyy

But eh no.. my dick is allergic to pussy

She have this small face, high nose, brown straight hair and nearly tall as me.

"Hey hyung? Did you understand what did tell you?" Taehyung snapped my scanning time on this gal

"Oh my bad, what is it again?" I asked and he sighed..

"She is my cousin on my mother's side ...her name is lee ami" (das rayt!! Its us ammiissss) taeyung says

"Oh.. nice to meet you ami-ssi.. the name's park jimin" i said and offer my hand .. she grabbed it shake

"Lee ami.. please dont speak so formal on me.. i heard you nad taehyung oppa areon the same age and im year younger than you jimin oppa.. amd nice to meet you too" she then let go amd we both smile to each other.. she faced tae

"So? Where's the bloody sight?" She asked.. taehyung suddenly looked at me

"Hyung.. this is part of my plan for the Awarding.. can we please trust her with out secret? I promise she is a secret keeper! And she is an army too" taehyung says with his puppy eyes.. i hesitated a bit but nod

"Yes! Now come here ami! Lets go to jimin-hyung's house!!" She takes ami's hand and walk towards my house

-time skip-

"So you were telling me you can go back to past using this purple water in the small purple tinted glass like a perfume?" Ami asked and we both nodded..

"Cmon lets try" tae said... we drank 5 drops for each one of us and we fainted...

As soon i opened my eyes i nearly shout when a poop was nearly right on my face!!! And i heard a bark.. 'oh thats hollys shit i see' i said more like a mumble..i began to walk downstairs and
Go to the kitchen and saw ami starfishing on the floor near the door and tae on the kitchen island and he was about to fall off.. i ran to him but i was too late.. he is gone


He did fall and i heard grunts from him and i glane at ami who is now rubbing his head.. few minutes passed and both of them are on their right mind.. and ami? Well ami..screamed

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-" i ran to her and stop her from screaming by putting my hands on her shoulder (put your hands on my shoulder😂lol.. just kidding) i stopped her from screaming by putting my hands to her mouth

"SHHH!! Shut your mouth!! Its not thhe end of the world!!" I whisper shoutedly like im pushing a poop that cant go out on my butt

"Are you fucking kidding me!! Its Jung fucking hosoek's dorm! Do you believe that i will not freak out!! Why didnt you tell me this secret a fucking long time ago!!" She says whisper-shouted too

"Uhm guys.. the whole dorm is empty, i think they weht to practice" tae says coming from stairs

"That's good.. then lets sit on the couch so that we can talk about our plan" i said

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now