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I woke uo earlier than i thought.. i saw ami and tae cuddling and sleeping beside each other so i didnt even bother to eake them up.. now im on my way to the kitchen and sas bunch if unwashed plates

"Im sorry plates.. you have been so dirty without me " i said as i sighed.. i waokrd to the kitchen and put gloves so my ice power wouldnt show (A/n: ELSA KA GHORL? 'GIRL, ARE YOU ELSA?' CHARR) i put my gloves and begin to wash dishes*

I was humming a song when i noticed that its already noon and a figure of lady suddenly shows up "we overslept oppa.. i think ill stop by my house and return here.. what time should we go back tho?" Ami asked while combing his hair

"Later i guess.. maybe late night" i said i continue to wash dishes

"Oh really?.. then i have to go now" ami said

"Oh yeah sure.. make sure to make in time tho so that we can go back there in one time..hmmm maybe 9pm" i half shouted at ami who was now leaving thr door and she just maked an ok sighn and totally leaves

After im done washing plates i do my laundry..i mean me and tae's and wipe sime dirt and vaccum the floor " and now, its perfect" i said as i flopped my body i to the couch and suddenly notice the time that shows 3:40 "i still didnt eat anything.. i wonder why taehyung slept all day tho" i said as i walked to the kitchen and cook ramyeon and walked to the room to check on tae.. and he was indeed sleeping

"Tae.. wake up, its already late and you havent eat anything" i said as i shake him until he sat himself and i walked out the room


December 8,2019
3:00 pm

jimin sat on the table with a bowl of ramen on his hands while taehyung walked to kitchen and grab a bowl of ramen and sat in front of jimin "what time should we go back?" Yae asked as he slurped noodles

"Maybe 9 pm or somethin' they are practicing and its our breaktime so we should rest" jimin replied and tae just nodded

-time skip-

Jimin walked to the living room with his phone and open weverse app

"Oh.. namjoon-hyung posted somethi-im sure they know and remember me even im with them since like 3 years ago'" jimin whispered to himself and click a status bar to post something


3:15 pm

Jimin smiled at his post later on, some armys starts to cheer on his post thrn suddenly he saw "Suga replied to chulhye's post"

"He is onlinneee!!!" Jimin squealed knowing that yoongi will definitely notice his post.. he was his boyfriend after all.. so he then repeated hid post with a smile on his face


3:20 pm

5 mins later


3:25 pm

Until jimin reached 25 same posts but none of them noticed by his boyfriend.. he the dm the bangtan's twitter (dm-ing bangtan here in twit. Is allowed) and commented all new post from bighit and. Even messages the kakaotalk yoongi is using in past but still no... he sighed looking at his notification and watching as nee notification popping up showing yoongi still replying to other armys he just sighed until tae sat i  front of him eating a cookie (kookie)

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now