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the trio decided to stay the night and now they are preparing or more like decorating some shits on the garden to surprise their boyfriends for triple- no quadruple

"no shithead curl it like this so it will become a flower" ami said teaching his cousin taehyung

"ughh this is hard than Jungkook's well no shit Sherlock kookie's dick is much more hard mwiihi" taehyung giggled

" seriously tae? in fucking front of my paper flower?" jimin rolled his eyes who is placing the silverware

"anndd voila!" ami said happily and stare at their hardwork

"but seriously tho look at this wall, its so plain and grey. i think it could be a fountain or like small pond you know or maybe paint it with brown to match these vines or more like nature type." jimin judged the plain wall near the plants

"agree we can do it if the boys let us tho i dont have any meeting this week so i guess im free except if theres emergency" ami says arranging the cloth on the table now

"oh ill tell guggie! he paints well istg" taehyung says now settling the foods and wine

"oh really? did u see one of his painting recently? i do know hes a great painter i just forgot ebfva" jimin says and giggled

"oh. me.." taehyung says and continue arranging the foods

"huh?" ami look at her with confused face

"uhm you asked if i saw his painting recently.. its me"

" im losing my braincells tae pls have mercy on me and be precise on what you are saying" jimin sighed

"youre alive tae how can u be a painting-" ami was about to continue her speech when he gasped and covered his mouth

"you!" ami pointed at tae with her mouth still on agape

"what?" tae asked confused


"you dumb bitch its draw me not paint me u idiot, jack mustve regret freezing down there at the bottom of the ocean that hr cant choke you on your fucking idiocy. and well hmmm, its near on that but what i said kookie paints well like how he paints my velvety walls with his white cu-" "KIM TAEHYUNG!" as ami and jimin shouted tae's name a car pulled infront of the dorm and a pull from the gates are heard that made the three thick ass run to welcome ti=heir boyfriends and 2 other friends.

"koookiieee!!" tae yelled gigged when he saw jungkook entered the gate and jumped on him and attack his lips. and they start making out in front of.........everyone

the dorm's walls is high with also high gates for security so even if u have cameras, once the gates were closed you can see nothing and oh the garden is in the backyard so.. yeah im speechless so what

"seriously? infront of my handsome face? jin says judging the couples making out in his front and smiles when he saw jimin and ami

"oh my beatiful and sexy daughters who took after their mom i fucking missed u both my babies! youre supposed to be three children but your other sibling is busy making out with his boyfriend cmere babies hug your momma" jin says and open his arms to embrace his childrens

"EOMMAAA!" both says and hug their momma jin later on taehyung joined the bottom's hug

"you meant 1 daughter and 2 sons jin hyung, 2 sons" yoongi clarified and jimin squealed

"eekkk!!! yoooniieee!! jimin threw himself at his boyfriend and yoongi dropped all of his bag including his phone hes holding and catch jimin placing his hands on jimins butt

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now