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i ran quickly downstairs to see tae munching a (kookie) cookie and he looked to me in shocked face

"Why did you ran so fast? You can walk so you wont tired yourself yknow" while munching another cookie again

"and whats with the eyes chim? Did you cry or something?" He asked again

"You ask me why did i ran you shit? You shouted my name so i didnt know of you slipped on the floor or cut yourself or seomthing! I was worried  you dimwit!!" I shouted at him and glared at him but hr only gives me a nervous smile

"Hehe chim calm down ok? I just wanna inform you that i was done cleaning so i shouted your name cuz im too lazy to walk to yoongi's room" he says as he put the cookies in the center of the table where it cames from with some green and red apples

"Ok? Thats nice reason?" I said and he just rolled his eyes

"im sorry ok?" He says

"fine!" He just give me his boxy smile

"im too cute so you cant be qngry with me and we both know that" i just rolled my eyes and laugh with him..

Our laughing session died down "hey chim.. i discovered something" i furrowed mg eyebrows


"Room is english of bang (room) right?" He asked i look at him with curious eyes and nodded

"and bang is korean of room" he says and i nodded again

"so mr. Bang sihyuk means Mr. Room sihyuk! So he is hiding something that bts themselves dont know and armys too!" I facepalmed myself and try to not focus on what he is saying so for now i just heard him mumbling.

3 hours of ranting about mr. Bang sihyuk "right chim? You see? Maybe my dad isnt my real dad.. maybe my real dad is einstein! Because i goy his logical thinking and i know i surpassed his IQ becajse of this matter"  he says prouldy

"Poor einstein.. may you rest in peace..what did you do to be treated like this.. in behalf of my friend, im sorry because he just need some mental exercise" i said more like a whisper to myself

"whaf is it chimmy?" He asked.. i sighe looked at him

"You are not einstein's son taehyung.. your last name is not einstein but its kim.. so your mother is kim seokjin hyung and your father is kim namjoon hyung" i told him but still deadpanned cuz i dont know i i just wanna throw myself at the window or volunteer myself to be put in  a bait hook so that shark will eat me or ill just wish the sink just eat me whole because of wierd thing my bestfriend sharing me..

"" he says whike clapping his hands.. i smiled at him and just nodded...

I stand up and find holly rolling to her back in the carpet in the living room.. i called her and i fed her already and i went back to tae

After hours of chitchatting in the living room we heard the door opened

"Oh fuck! We didnt notice the time!" I glance at my watch and its already 1 am

I look at taehyung "hey tae we need to go back.. we should rest too" i told him and he agreed

"go back" i said and where here now on the couch laying at each other and out place is so dark!

"We havent eaten this whole day except for the breakfast.. should we eat cup noodles instead? " he asked and then i nodded and we both head to kitxhen to fill our tumtums..

-meanwhile in bts dorm-


Manager sejin is driving towards our dorm and i felt jin moved in his position to my lap and clutched his hands on my shirt more and hear his soft snores again

"cute" i said and he hit my chest

"ow! What was that for!?" I said but seokjin had still  his eyes close

"cute is not enough" with groggy voice

"cute, hot,sexy, handsome, more than handsome, worldwide handsome, more than worldwide handsome, more more more more more than than than worlwide handsome and-" i stopped and look at him with his eyes open and red face..

I chuckled and carress his face sith my hands "and of course you are so beautiful my princess peach" i say and he hit my chest repeatingly and he hid his face on the crook of my neck and i just chuckled at his embarassment.. i kisssd his head multiple times

"Okay love birds, stop that because you have a room at the dorm for goodnesssake and namjoon, dont get hard on jin, you still have to practice next day guys and i dont wanna see anyone of you limping.. now get your ass up and rest.. goodnight boys!" He says. Whike. Looking at the mirror view at his car "goodnight manager-nim!!" We says and we already got ot of the car and we all face our dorm

"Hey namjoon, why the lights on our dorm is on?" Jin asked me

"i dont know...ill just- Yoongi-hyung please get up from the road so we can enter the dorm now! You have the keyyy!!!" I shouted at him and he rub his eyes and stand up

" oh right.. he opened the gates and he open the front door and our eyes went wide

"H-hyung.. i-is this our place? Why i-is it so clean? Is it really our dorm?" Jungkook says

" we didnt switch some house right?maybe we got the wrong house"  hoseok hyung says

"but we leave it like whirlpool just pass here right?" Yoongi hyung added 

"just call bang pd nin ok?" Jin hyung says and i nodded.. i dial my phone to contact bang pd

"Hello bang pd nim?"

"Yess hello namjoon-ah"

"Sir i know its late to ask but did you sent some staffs here to clean the dorm?"

"No? I dont remember sending some stuff there. Why? Is there siomething wrong?"

"No.. nothing sir.. its just that the whole house is clean" i said while sighing

"Oh..hahaha then thanks to that someone who clean your dorm.. try to ask suji noona ok?" he says

"Yes sir.. have a goodnight"  i said and i hanged up the phone

"What is it?" Jin hyung asked i gulped and bit my tounge. Insidd my mouth and smiled.. i have to lie

"yeah.. uh-- bang pd says she sent some noona's to clean the whole dorm" i said and they just nodded

"lets take some rest guys.. we all have tiring day.. goodnight!" They bid their goodnights as well and i kissed jin-hyung in his head dowmn to forehead, both of his cheeks and pressed down my lips at his lips

"goodnight jin baby" i say and peck him again

"goodnight....daddy" i froze and he peck me and left wiggling his ass for some purpose and leave me with my aching boner..


-time skip-

I open my room and shocked that is so clean too.. i go to bathroom to wash myself and handle my 'aching problem' and put my pjs on and throw myself in my bed and i looked at the ceiling

"Theres REALLY something wrong here" and i drifted to sleep..

His Hidden Fanboy. ||  YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now