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'OmG! He's gonnakiss me!!'  I mentally squealed and giggled at the reason that my bias, my love, my future husband's face is so fuckinf near to me! I can feel the air that going in and out on that fucking sinful cute nose!!.. i closed my eyes and feel the ticklish air from his nose..

He's getting cloer and closer fck! My first kiss!!! I-

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!!!!!!!!"  I quickly opened my eyes because i was too startled at the voice.. and suddenly, the arms that was caging me suddenly push me on my shoulder and stumbled down.. i hissed at the pain

"B-ban-bang pdnim i-i can explain!!!" Yoongi-hgung said and i felt my eyes are getting watery... my arms was in soo much pain!!!... bang pd then walked to the couch and sat there

"I jusy dont get it yoongi. You have room for frog's sake.. i just walked at the door downstairs and heared namjoon and seokjin frick fracking again.. mygod.. its too early" bang pd says and sighs....suddenly, yoongi hyung walked and sat infront of him... while me? Still at the floor, wincing in pain.. i heard a doors opened and closed

"Taehyung?" A voice said and i quickly darted my eyes on the voice owner

"Ami?" Taehyung said

"Jimin?" They looked at me both and said in umision... i stand up and saw bang pd gripping his hair and sighed deeply

"BANGTANSONYEONDAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNN!!!" He shouted making me, tae, and ami wanna cry..

'He so scary' i mumbled and put my nose on tae's neck and cry because band pd shouted and my arms are in pain

-time skip-


The members and the 3 visitors are quietly thingking with their head down.. namjoon, yoongi, jungkook, and jhope are standing at the back of the long couch whle at their front was  jin, jimin, taehyung and ami who was at the front of bang pd

"So.... who are they and why are they here?" Band pd ask..

"They are our friends"

"They are our siblings"

Yoongi and jungkook said at the same timd...jhope just face palmed, namjoon let out a long breath, jin just tilt his head and the other three was busy playing at the hem of their shirts

"Who's telling the truth? .. i told you guys i hate lies" bang pd says and sighs again

"They are actually my cousin and her friends.. the girl over there was jiwoo..remember? The wrestling girl? I told you that she will stay here for a month because she needs a break from wrestling.. and this two guys are her cousin from her mother side.. " namjoon said and the three rascals from the future's ears perked up

(A/N Anyways! Im not sure if rm's cousin's name was jiwoo.. but she had a real girl cousin who was a body builder and a wrestler!! And ami here has a slightly big body (chubby)!!)

"Oh.. jiwoo.. rm talked to me a lot about you! Anyways,  you should feel home but im telling you that you shoukd not roam a lot.. theres many eyes watching your cousin namjoon and the rest of the members... being an idol is not easy, you understand that right?" Bang pd asked ami

"O-oh yes s-sir.. i know.. namjoon oppa told me that rececently" ami said and smiled forcefully.. bang pd theb smiled back

"Then, next question,.. what are you two doing? Yoongi and ---?" Bag pd says while eyeing jimin

"J-jimin sir" jimin answered

" --jimin on the stairs.. were yiu about to kiss? Is he your boyfriend? I told you guys, im open of what gender your heart belongs but you should tell me,..and mostly if you guys had boyfriends or girlfriends... " bang pd says

"No pd-nim.. i was just trying to stop jimin from goinf downstairs because annoying  sounds can heard on namjoon and jin-hyungs room.. and he was not my boyfriend and im not gay" yoongi said

"Hmmm.. how about you?" Bang pd says and look at tae

"Uhm.. my name is taehyung"  tae said while smiling at bang pd.. bang pd returned the smile

Little did they know, one particular person named jimin was not concentrating on the conversation the rest have for the reason,  his arms is not aching anymore.. it was his heart

-time skip-

"Remember what ive told you guys... keep safe! Enjoy your one week vacation and congrats again" bang pd says while getting into the car with manager sejin

"Neee!!" The member says and bang pd just smiled and manager sejin started to drive

The black tinted van is now driving, getting away of bts's dorm.. and bang pd was reminiscing all the scenes earlier

'She's my cousin'  'jiwoo' ' hes not my biyfriend' 'im not gay'  bangpd just smiles...

"Lies" he says until his phone rang showing the caller's id

"Oh hi jessica sweetheart.."

"Yesyes.. im with sejin"

"Yehyeh take care love you too"and he ended the call

" seems happy pdnim i see" manager sejin teased and bang pd just chuckled

"Yh right.. the title was 'crazy things about love'" he says and though of bangtan andthe 3 visitors and his baby, jessica


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA BUSET!.. expect everyday's new chapter from now on thanks!!

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