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It is now their 3rd day and it means its the last episode of run bts that they will gonna shoot and thursday to sunday will be their fun time and now everyone is at the back of the van dragging their luggages and yes they were in resort in daegu while the oldest but the prettiest worldwide handsome had his pink sunglasses on with white layer and a fan on his hands wearing his hawaiian designed polo and a white 3/4 shorts with his black slippers and unto his back was a struggling namjoon with tons of shoulder, back, bags on his body while dragging jin's pink luggage

"Dofok namjoon why the hell are you walking so slow like a turtle and a snail is more speeder than you" jin said and stare at namjoon with disapointed face while namjoon just sighs and continue to walk leaving jin standing behind

"Oh yeah thats my future husband" he squeaked and giggle and was about to follow namjoon but saw a struggling jimin carrying 3 of his bags and yoongi carrying his only one bag

"Oy oy oy" jin pointed at the 2 while frowning

"The hell you not carrying my baby's luggage? Baby give yoongi boongi your bags and hey yoongi make yourself useful grab that thing my son 's gonna die from that" jin said with his index finger pointing at them while jimin and yoongi just stared at each other like a fool and that made jimin flustered not wanting to bother yoongi in any ways

"N-no hyung th-thanks but i can h-handlw--" "oh no shawtdafawkup babe look at those precious hands getting red cause of the bag omo omo so heavy" jin said caressing jimin's hands and glared at yoongi

"What!?" Yoongi said annoyed

"Its all your fault.. cmon yoongi yoire already grown up yet ur still not a gentleman" jin scowled

"Gentleman fuck that we all have dicks here so no need to be gentleman" yoongi said but his hyung smack his head and starts to reach for jimin's bag putting it into yoongi's shoulders

"Yeah and that izumi sena right there doesnf have dick but looks like a fucking dick i mean her face looks like one so shut the fuck up were a sensitive bottom" jin said rolled his eyes on yoongi and jimin looked at his foot not knowing what to do

"I-i told u its okay hyung i can handle it" jimin said pouting playing with hid fingers feeling the guilt of putting his hyung into that state and he heard yoongi sigh before walking right pass of them he felt bad. Legit

"Yah you stupid bunny what the heck why taehyung have all of your baggage you inhumane ingrown looking child " jin said angrily and walked to them and make jungkook carry the bags while jimin justs stands there watching them lowkey amused

While hoseok being the gentleman have his own bags and ami's while walking right next to each other smiling

"Yah hoseok stop abusing my childrens. Ami come here lets have our mother and daughters day before our shoot starts at two and where the fuck is izumi?" Jin said pulling ami to his side

" first, it supposed to be father and children's day not mother and daughters cuz except for ami yall dont have vajayjay.. Oh izumi said she cant go out to the van because the sun is too high and she said it burns her skin. Brat" hoseok said

"1st and last shut your mouth before i put that bag youre holding and put it in your mouth until you explode cuz bitch i hate vajayjays and even if i dont have it bitch the eggplant pierce through me like what thryre doing to the vajayjay so its the same but im still more tatsy than that and HEY IZUMI ILL BE LOOKING FORWARD FOR A IZUMI TOAST SPREAD YOU MOTHERFUCKING BRAT" jin shouted and a growl and whimper emitted knowing izumi did that and prolly being irritated rn and jin just laughed

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