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An hour has already passed and the both of us still trying to get things back right.. checking if we still know how to talk, blink? Chew, laugh, breath, etc. Cause we feel both us died... jut now....

"Jimin, i woke up from a very very very hot and yummy dream..." he blinked multiple times and dumbfounded

" i saw my husband Jungkook earlier but he didn't saw me jimin...but i saw those fucking abs. I can feel my tummy circulating 25 babies now" i snorted and chuckle

"Seriously tae? Babies? And even worst, 25 babies? Are you a dog or something.. only dogs can birth many pups you know.. idk even a pig?" He grin at me

"well chim im not a dog but i can do a dogstyle with jungkook with a choker ft. Chain" still grinning while doing that eyebrow up and down thing.

I slap her shoulder "Ow!! Yah! What's that for!???" While getting irritated

"You pervy lil shit.. but tae, actually your not dreaming.. its true.. its all true tae" i rose up from bed and sit rather than laying down.. taehyung also sat up so were facing each other now...

"So what are we going to do now? They cant see us but you say we should drink 5 drops of the potion in order to make ourselves visible" i hummed and nodded

" so, we will drink 5 drops!?? Im excited!!"

" No tae! We cant!" I says as i saw him pouted

"why!????" He says like pleading while turn 'why' to 'whyiiieeeee?"

" we cant tae, as you see they heard us and Jungkook says 'showyourselves before i call the cops' what if more if they saw us? They will wonder how we got inside and even worst, they can misunderstand us being thief or intruder..We'll be sent on jail tae.. think the consequence firsg tae but we have to resolve this out before we show ourselves to them ok?"

I says while getting the 'okay i understand nod' " yeah your right.. we should take it slow first.. im happy even they didnt saw us atleast i get to kiss jungkook without him knowing" he showred his boxy smile and we both giggled..

"But tae can i ask a question?" I said and he stops fidgeting his hands and look at up me and cross her arms in his chest and let out a long sigh

"Jimin, if your asking again if you're allowed to take my virginity, i told you many time jim... jungkook will just have it" i sigh and flick his forehead

"You really kim fucking taehyung is getting on my nerves.. can you please take me seriously at once!??" I says almost shouting while he's rubbing his forehead and nodded..

"Well, did you already come out?" He froze a bit... taehyung is a gay like me but we have diff. Situation, i dont have a parents so im free to do all i want and also, mr. Shin know that im a gay and still supporting me and still treating my like his own son..

taehyung in other hand didn't came out yet cause his father is a bit strict about him thats why even we have a lot of chance to go to bts fanmeets we couldnt cause me ofc im saving money for myself cause i want to have my own dance studio someday so i need to save while taehyung can give me money to attend at fanmeets but it will be obvious of his parents and thats why he's scared if they interogate him 'why do you like jungkook? He's a guy like you! Are you perhaps gay!?' Like that....

He too gave me money and pushing me to attend at fanmeet long time ago but we both promised to see our husbands together and give them a marriage contract in different language so they cant understand and just sign in and boom! We're married! Great fucking idea of my bitch (tae)..

"I'm still scared jimin.. what if they throw me away and tell me im disgrace in our family" and he looked down again... i pull him for a hug while soothing him "everything will be alright tae.. right time will come and i'll be there yo support you... even they throw you away i will be here ok? Even you discover yourself a lesbian right now or even you discover your dick now is replaced by a pussy i will still be here" i say while i hear him chuckling.

"So if my dick is pussy, then are we going to collide?" He pulls out of the hug and wiggle his eyebrows... is scoffed and say "sorry, this dick is craving for dick" while pointing my lower part " a.k.a my boyfriend and soon to be husband min yoongi's dick..." he snorted and we both laugh...

"Lets go get sleep tae. Tomorrow will be a good good good and long day" while preparin myself to lay down "ofcourse im excited to see the owner of the dick your craving for, and the owner of the dick i want to be in my hole" i slapped his arm "You kim fucking pervert" we both laughed and we fell asleep....

-shitty as me... well, i did edited my past chapters... have a shit night!

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