33 (Do my best)

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Jungkook pov

"King Chanyeol himself is coming?" Sehun bowed.
"Yes your highness! King Chanyeol great prince Baekhyun and princess Jisoo."
"Your highness father and king Chanyeol were so much close I think he is coming himelf cause of this." Bemogyu said and I nodded.

"Make the best palace ready for king and great prince. Extra guards for protecting them is needed. King Chanyeol is one the strongest kings so we must be careful nothing happen to him or great prince." He bowed.

"Yes your highness!" I then looked at Daehyun.
"How's mother?" She sighed.
"She is sad. But better than first days. I can say she is accepting this day by day." I nodded. I myself must speak with mother.

"Ok! Be sure everything is in the best way. Most of thr countries are coming with their king so we must be so much careful."
"Yes your highness!"

Irene pov

"Your highness king Jungkook's here."
"Tell him come in!" He came inside and bowed.

I smiled as saw him.
"You must change into king's clothe." He smiled and sat beside me.
"Are you feeling better mother?" I smiled and caressed his face.
"Seeing you like this and hearing everyone calling my beloved son king makes me happy and lessor the pain is in my heart."

"Your father was my world. I wish he hasn't left me this soon." He hold my hands and caressed them.
"Mother I know it is hard but Gurio needs you. Seokjin and I need you as well. I'm sure father doesn't like to see his beautiful queen is sad and all crying."

"Mother! Father always liked to see you smiling and be happy. So cause of king Suho do this for us."

Jin pov

"All done!" I said as I placed the last dress in its place.
"Your highness you are so much happy today."

I chuckled.
"My father and appa are coming."
"Yes! I heard that. King Chanyeol loved king Suho so much." I sighed and nodded.
"Yes! I am sure my father is so much sad."

I missed king Suho so much! Father I missed you so much. I wish you are sleeping in peace.

"Your highness when will you change your dresses? You are the great prince now."
"Ah maybe after the ceremony. I had alot to do more king hasn't changed his clothes yet. So I must wait for him."

"Your highness king Jungkook enters!" I went to him and bowed.
"Your highenss!"
"Ahhh here became so much beautiful." I smiled.
"The palace is so much beautiful thank you your highness!"

He caressed my cheeks.
"A beauty like my prince deserves the most beautiful things." I smiled and looked at him.
"King Chanyeol and great prince are coming." I nodded.
"Yes I am really happy I heard they will arrive soon." He nodded.
"Yes we must get ready to greet them but before that we must do something."


Jungkook pov

I wore my crown and looked at myself in the mirror.
I am the king now. Gurio's king.

"Great prince enters." I turned and saw Jin in his new clothes and his crown. He was beautiful like always.
"Here my beautiful prince!" He smiled and bowed.

"Now we are ready."
"Yes your highness!"
"I wish I can do what father asked me."
"I am sure you can. Everone trust on you." I hold his hand and nodded.

"Let's walk for some time?" He smiled and nodded. I then took my crown and then his.
"Let's go!"

We came out of my room.
"Ahhhh the weather is so much delightful."
"Yes! The birds are singing." He said and looked at the sky.
"And the sun is shining!" He then looked at me.
I kissed his hand and he smiled.

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