14 (Idea)

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Jungkook pov

"King Suho enters!" We all bowed as my father entered.
"So today we will talk about the criminals' trial."

"Your majesty our important documents are in our enemy's hands."
"Minister Lee is right! What if Silla attack us?"

"Minister Lee and minister Soo if you let me I will explain everything." They looked at me and bowed.
"About the documents! They were the fake ones." They gasped.
"What do you mean your highness?"
"The time I found Silla is making an army ready I thought they will try to catch that documents and replaced the fake ones with the real ones. The real ones are safe now and from now on no one except the king and crown prince won't understand where they are."

They all bowed.
"Yes your majesty!"
"And about the criminals' trial. The first minsiter will say now."

Yoongi bowed and started reading that.
"Criminal Park minjoong helped her daughter Park Nayeon in stealing Gurio's documents and is a betrayal. He must eat poisen infront of people. His properties will be taken from government and will be used for supplying the war needs."

"About Park Nayeon! She is Silla's king second wife. We cannot do anything right now. But if she do something against Gurio again Silla's government must give her to us and then we will do her trial."
"Yes your highness."

"Be ready for Silla's attack I am going to our borders for making our defending side stronger. So try your best to control the capital city."
"Yes your highness!"

Jin pov

"Eating poisen?" Queen asked and Moonbyul nodded.
"What about Nayeon?" I asked her.
"Your highness she is king Yogeom's wife. Gurio cannot do anything about this. Crown prince said if she do something to Gurio again Silla must give her to us for her trial." I looked at queen.

"Mother what do you think about it?"
"Jungkook is right! She is part of a royal family of another country. We cannot do anything."
"But I am sure he will try to do more things against us." She nodded.
"Yes but we cannot do anything." I nodded.

"I heard Jungkook is going to Gurio's borders." Queen said and I nodded.
"He told me last night."
"You knew it?" I nodded.

"You must go with him you are his husband."
"He would ask me if he wanted me beside him. More I will take his speed. He can do whatever he wants and gi where ever and chack things better without me." She sighed. I think she knows about our relationship.
"Son! Sorry about Jungkook's acts. You just married but these things happened an-"
"Mother I am fine. I am strong for Gurio and crown prince." She hold my hands.

"Thank you!" I smiled.
I then looked at Moonbyul.
"You will go with crown prince ok?"
"But your highness I must take care of you!"
"Do what I say. Just take care of our prince."

Jungkook pov

"Are you ready?" They all bowed.
"Yes your highness!"
"Moonbyul give the map to me."
"Here your highness!"
"Ok we must go to the west border first." They all bowed.

I looked at Moonbyul.
"You can stay with great prince if you want."
"Great prince told me accompany you. I am one of the head guards." I nodded.
"Ok! We must go!"

We then went to the great palace.
Everyone were there waiting for us. I bowed to my parents.

"Take care and be sure the guards are managed well." I bowed.
"Yes your majesty!"
My mother then looked at me and smiled.
"Come back soon. We need you here too." I bowed.
"Yes your highness!" I then looked at Jin.

"Take care of yourself ok? More it is getting colder." He just bowed.
"You too! Your majesty!" I don't know why but after what happened with Nayeon his eyes are cold. I don't like this.

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