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Jungkook pov

"Your highness! Here here and here! These are the places Silla placed its army."

"Your highness they placed their center army in the mountain. It'll make it hard for us to catch them."
"And it'll make movement hard for them too."
"Your highness!"
"We must trap them there."

"How your highness?"
"Yes your highness!"
"You must go back of the mountain with your army. Moonbyul!"
"Yes your highness!"
"There is lake here. You must hide aroudn the water and when Sehun attacked them surprise them."
"Yes your highness!"

"Yes your highness!"
"You must wear Silla's guards clothes and enter their army here next to Han rever. Then expand the rumors and attack to them and escape. After that prince Taehyung and his soldiers can attack from behind."
"Yes your highness!" I looked at Beomgyu.

"Yes your highness!"
"You must stay in the castel."
"In the castel?" I nodded.
"20000 soldiers will stay here. I still can remember what happened. Prince Seokjin needs your help here. Protect our princes and mother queen." He bowed.

"Yes your highness!"
"Sehun did you bring princess Daehyun and twins to castel?"
"Yes your highness!"
"Good! The royal family must be safe. Take care of great prince crown prince and prince Jungkyun."
"Yes your highness!"

Jin pov

"Did you check the suppliments?"
"Yes your highness!"
"Good double the rice and meat they must eat well to fight."
"Fight bad!" I looked at Jungkyun who was in my hold. From the time Silla moved its army Jungkyun is in my hold and I am holding Jungseok's hand in my hand.

"Yes sweetheart it is bad but fatehr must go to fight so you can be safe." I kissed his temple.
"Fadey brushesh on fach yike byodey?" He asked me. I swallowed. What will happen to Jungkook?
"Your father is the best fighter in all over the country sweetheart. He won't get hurt." He nodded.

"Ok I have to go! Jungseok!"
"Yes appa!"
"Come with appa!"
"Yes appa!" I hold his hand and we came out of the welfare ministry.

"Wendy give Jungkyun's cape."
"Here your highness!" I put it all over his body and hold him tightly.
"Your highness no one's in the castel. King triple the guards."
"Wendy I cannot stop being worry. I always have stress that they attack my babies." I wish I knew how to protect my children.

I entered my palace to see king standing there with fighting clothes.
"Father!" Jungseok ran to him.
I went to him and bowed.
"Your highness!"
"Jungseok and Jungkyun are with you?" I nodded.
"They will stay with me till the war finished." He nodded.
"Ok I triple the guards all around your palace. Beomgyu himself will take care of here."

"Prince Beomgyu won't go?"
"He will stay here to protect you and our princes." I smiled. I was afraid something like the last time happens.
"Thank you! I love you so much!" He smiled and caressed my cheek.
"I will come back soon." I nodded.

Jungkook pov

I looked at my family who came to greet me before leaving.
"Son take care! Gurio needs you. So do your best." I bowed.
"Yes mother!"

I looked at Beomgyu.
"Your highness I will take care of the castel and great prince." I smiled and tapped his shoulder.
"Thank you!"

I looked at Jin who was holding Jungkyun tightly and looking at me. I kneeled infornt of Jungseok who was standing next to him holding his appa's hand.
"Take care of appa and your brother ok my little man?" He came to me and hold me.
"Father I will miss you!"
"Me too sweatheart! Father will be here soon."

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