17 (Weird)

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Jin pov

"Bakjae's embassodor is here?" I asked excitedly. I was waiting for this.
"Yes your highness!"

"Your highness it is me Moonbyul!"
"Come in!" She came and bowed.
"Your highness crown prince is out and waiting for you to go to king Suho."
"He is waiting for me?" She nodded and smiled.
"I think it is about Bakjae's embassodor your highness!" Wendy said and I nodded.

"Let's go!" They bowed and I came out and bowed to crown prince. He smiled to me.
"Your highness!"
"You must be happy cause we soon will go to Bakjae." I smiled even the imagination is sweet.

"Let's go!"
"Yes your majesty!" I then followed him.
"This winter is really cold you must be careful to not get sick."
"Yes your highness!"
"I will tell the royal doctor bring you special medicine. You look weak these days. Is something wrong?" Why he is asking this much? He even doesn't come to me.
"I am fine your highness! I am sorry if I made the crown prince worry."

I heard Moonbyul giggle but quickly stopped as the crown prince looked at her.
"You and Moonbyul got along well. I am happy she is a good help for you."
"Thank you for letting her to help me. She is a good valet and a good fighter."

I smiled and looked at Moonbyul.
"Yes! She is loyal. You can trust her and give her the missions that are hard. She will do them in the best way."
He nodded.

We reached king's palace.
"Your highness crown prince and great prince are here."
"Tell them come in!"

We then entered king's room and bowed.
"Your highness!" He looked at us and smiled.
I got shocked as I saw Jisoo sitting next to queen.
"Jisoo!" She got up and bowed.
"I wish crown prince and great prince are doing well." She said and bowed.

I smiled.
"Thanks princess Jisoo! We hope princess Jisoo is doing well too." Crown prince said and she smiled.
"Ahhh you are so much like our great prince princess Jisoo." King said and caressed her hair.

She looked at me. I knew she wanted to come to me and hold me but she was behaving.
"You can come to great prince if you want princess." Crown prince said and kneeled infront of her shocking me. Jisoo smiled and quickly came to me and hold me.

"I missed you brother." I caressed her hair.
"I missed you too. So so much!" She looked at me and smiled.
"How come you are here princess?"
"Well this time we have a little embassodor." King said and chuckled.
"You came to bring the invitation?" She nodded.
"Yes and she did in the best way." Queen said and smiled.

"It is father's birthday you will come yes?" King and queen started laughing as she asked that question.
I gave them a apologizic smile and then looked at Jisoo.
"Princess! You forgot how to behave?" She pouted and lowered her head.
"Brother said you will come."
"Jin it is ok! She is just 11." Prince Jungkook said.
"Well Jungkook is right! More she is very sweet. Princess come here." The king said and Jisoo went to him. He hold her hands.

"Your brother and crown prince will come to Bakjae soon."
Her eyes shined.
"Yes?" King chuckled.
She jumped in happiness.
"Yes yes! I missed him!"

Taehyung pov

"Jisoo must be really happy now."
I chuckled.
"Yes I wonder how they can take her from Jin. She will cling to him and won't come back to Bakjae."
"It was better to let her stay there and come with prince Seokjin."
"No Jimin! She is Bakjae's princess. She must be here. More she is getting older and must understand how to behave."

He nodded.
"Yes your majesty!" He then looked at me.
"But your majesty!" I looked at him.
"We didn't send any embassodors to Silla."

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