39 (Love)

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Irene pov

"Someone has tried to poison great prince?" Yeri bowed.
"Yes your highness! Princess Daehyun found it." I stood up from my seat.
"How's great prince now? Is he doing well?"
"Yes your highness! Princess came before he eats the food."
"So they found who have done this?"
"Your highness! I heard king arressted the criminal."
"Who is it?"
"Ma'am Nayeon!"

"She tried to poison great prince. The poison she used was the one which can be shown by gold."
"Where is she now?"
"Royal jail."
"Jungkook cannot keep her in there like that."
"Your highness king is so much angry. He said he will kill her."

Nayeon pov

"Your highness! They will kill us."
"Shut up! I am Silla's king's wife. He cannot do anything."
"But your highness king Jungkook was so much angry. I could see fire in his eyes." I sighed.

What should I do?
"King Yogeom will do something. I am sure."
"What if he doesn't do anything? Your highness I am afraid. What if they kill us?"

No! I won't die!

Jin pov

I opened my eyes seeing king holding my hand putting his head on the bed.
"Your highness!" He quickly got up and looked at me.
"Are you ok? Do you need something?" I smiled and shook my head.
"I'm fine! I don't need anything." He caressed my face.
"You must be in your room now. Many embassodors will come to see you."
"I canceled tonight's ceremony! I will be next to you so don't worry ok? I am here with you." He said and kissed my hand.

"Your highness!" He hold me and kissed my hair.
"I don't like to see you sad and afraid. I am sorry I always fail in protecting you."
"No! Don't say this. You are the one who gives me love. Give me safety. I am not afraid when you are with me." He smiled and pecked my lips.

"Your highness you found the person who did this?"
"Who is-"
"Right now it is not important we arrested that person and I will kill that murder. No need to worry."
"Your highness who is-"
"Sweetheart right now I want you to just focus on yourself and our baby. Please! Don't overthink and just focus on your health. I will make everything alright ok?" I nodded.

"Your highness prince Taehyung and prince Jimin from Bakjae are here."
"Tell them come in!" My brother came in.

"Brother!" He hold me tightly.
"Are you ok?" I smiled and nodded.
"Yes I am completely fine."
"You are sure prince? We brought Bakjae's best doctor he can check you." Prince Jimin said and then bowed to king.
"Your highness I will call the doctor."
"Thank you prince! The royal doctor have checked him. He is all fine. No need to worry."

I looked at my brother who was examining me from up to down.
"I am fine."
"I cannot stop being worry." He caressed my cheek.
"Take care ok?" I nodded.

He stood up and went to Jungkook.
"I heard you arrested the person who did that." King nodded.
"Yes! Prince Jimin will you take care of prince Seokjin while me and prince Taehyung are speaking?" He bowed.
"Of course your highness!"

Taehyung pov

"Ma'am Nayeon?" He nodded.
"Ah I heard about her. I wonder what is her problem with Gurio?"
"Their family were like this. Ah I wish I have killed her when I could."
"When you could?" He sighed.
"I did something wrong in the past anyway. I am happy you are here. It comforts Seokjin."

I smiled.
"I am happy we are here too. Seokjin is very sensetive. He needs lots of care." He nodded.
"Yes I know that! He is strong but inside he has a sensetive soul."
"So what you wanna do about her?"
He chuckled.
"Kill her."
"What will Bakjae do with a betrayal and a murder?"
"Your highness she is king's wife."
"Then Silla must pay for it."

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