50 (Dance)

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Taehyung pov

"Silla attacked to west kingdom?"
"Yes your highness!"
"Your highness this is unbelievable. How?" I shook my head.

"So how is their crown prince?"
"He is injured badly."
"So what will the west kingdom do?"
"They sure will do something to Yugeom."
"But queen Sejun!"
"Queen Sejun is king's daughter from his second wife but the crown prince is queen's son. I am sure queen won't step back. Their crown prince is injured." I said and they nodded.

"Your highess it is the best chance." I nodded.
"I wanna write a letter to king Jungkook Namjoon take it for king."
"Yes your highness!"

Jin pov

I was thinking about the things happened.
So now things become harder for Silla. But what about that two days king was not here?

"Your highness it is me Wendy!"
"Come in!" She came in and bowed.
"What is this?"
"Your highness did you hear the news?"
"What is this?"
"Silla's main water supplier which people use became bloody all of the walls are black and some writtings which say prince Sehun's father wants to take revenge is all over the city and castel." Did Moonbyul do this?

"When this happened?"
"It happened three days ago. People are saying king Yugeom is cursed. More they are blaming Nayeon too."
"Yes your highness! There are writtings about her too. I heard she even wanted to kill king!" Kill the king?

"Nayeon has became something uncontrolable." I am afraid she is so much dangerous. My children I must protect them! I am sure she will get revenge.

"I wanna go and see king get ready!"
"Yes your highness!"

Jungkook pov

"So what made my prince to come here?" He looked at me.
"I am worry!"
"I heard Nayeon wanted to kill king Yugeom. I am sure she wants revenge from us. What if she....she do....something to Jungseok and Jungkyun?"

I caressed his hand.
"Sweetheart! I am here for you and our children. Nayeon can't do anything. I am here I will give my life for you and our children. So please don't cry. It breaks my heart." I hold him and tapped his back. He has the right to be worry.

I wiped his tears and cupped his face kissing him passiontly. I am glad I found the true love in my life. Without him I was nothing!

Chanyeol pov

"So you are learning how to fight?" Jungseok nodded.
"Yes grandpa! Prince Sehun is teaching me. He said I must be brave and don't cry when I get injured." I caressed his head.

"Byotey... byuushesh on fashe." I looked at Jungkyun as he was eating and said that.
"Your brother had bruises on his face?" He nodded.
"Fight bad....bad....Jukyu no yike." I chuckled.
"Ahhhh how much lovable you are I wish I always were with you." I kissed his cheek and he giggled.

"Grandpa can Jungsoek and I go out and play?"
"Sure but then come I want to read together along with Jungseok." He nodded.
"Your highness!" They both bowed and then left.

I looked at Jungkyun.
"They go!" He said and pointed to the way they went. I kissed him again. He reminds Jin to me when he was little.
"You wanna go out?" He looked at me and smiled and nodded.
"Ok then let's go!" I put him down.

"No hoyd?" He asked me.
"I will hold your hand my prince can walk yes? He is a big man." He smiled and nodded. I hold his hand and we came out of the room. He was taking steps carefully.
"Oh!" He was about to fall coming down the stairs when I helped him by my other hand.

"Ok now where you like to go?"
"Danch danch!" He said and started twirling and moving his hands making the maids and me to laugh.
"You like dancing?" He quickly nodded. I sat to be as tall as him and look at him.
"Ah you know your appa dances very well?"
"Appa danch?" He asked surprised. I nodded.
"Ask your appa and he will dance for you."

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