26 (Sun and sky)

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Jungkook pov

"So the Bakjae army arrived?" Moonbyul bowed.
"Yes your highness! Our armies can now practice together."
"The suppliments will arrive in 5 days too."

"How's Silla army?"
"They didn't have any movement your highness."
"I am sure they are getting ready to find the correct time."
"Your highness we are ready. We did everything in these 40 days. The wall is compelted and even people helped us. We have weopons for an army with 10 times bigger than our army and the fighters are well managed."

"Good we must focus on the attack plans an-"
"Your highness great prince's here."
I smiled as Seokjin came in and then the maids came with foods.
I went to him and he bowed.

"You could wait and would come."
"I was waiting for an hour but you didn't come." He said and looked at me.
I looked at the heads and defending minister and other ministers.
"You can leave now." They all bowed and left.

I then turned to him.
"I am sorry. I forgot time."
"You didn't come last night too."
"Ah you know it is about the war eveyone are busy and worry. More I must manage things."
"But you must eat well to fight well."

He said and guided me to sit and shocked me when he sat on my lap. He took a spoon of rice.
"Open your mouth."
I looked at him but then did what he said.
"Very good you must think about your health too. People needs you more I need you." He said and put his head on my shoulder.

He chuckled.
"Yes your highness!" I caressed his hair and kissed his temple.
"I love you!"
"I love you too." I got shocked as I heard that.

He then looked at me and cupped my face and started kissing me. After seconds of understanding things I wrapped my hands around him and started kissing him.
Was it a dream? I wish I never wake up if it is a dream.

He broke the kiss and looked at me.
"Is it a dream?" He shook his head.
"Is it that hard to believe it?"
"No it is so sweet which I can't belive." He smiled. I rubbed our nose to eachother and he giggled.
"I love you!"
"I love you too!"
"Say it again." He chuckled.
"I love you your highness!"
"Are you serious?"
"You think I am a child to joke around a thing like this?" I smiled and caressed his cheek.

"Please take care of yourself. I am worry. War is itself scary. I don't like to see you are sick your highness."
"Jungkook!" He smiled.
"Jungkook!" He said and hold me.

"Since then our prince becomes this romantic?"
"You don't like it?"
"No I love it." He chuckled.
"You remember you told me the sun always shines cause knows the people needs him?" I caressed his back.
"You are sun for me so shine for me. Never ever stop from shining. Cause I need you."

I pulled him out of my hold and caressed his cheek.
"I will always shine if you be my sky. The beautiful sky I am shining in!"

Jin pov

"So when will you start attacking them?"
"We won't start we will wait for them."
"Isn't it better to start it forst so we can beat them?" He shook his head.
"If Silla has told they are going to attack yeah. But since they are still silent we can't." I nodded and ate some of my rice.

"Your highness can I come an-"
"We once talked about it. It is a big no."
"Cause you don't know anything about fighting."
"Moonbyul is busy with the soldiers and cannot take care of you. More it is war. What if 100 of them find you? They will toture you and then- ahhhhh Seokjin I even don't want to think about it so we are done by this topic."

"I won't di-"
"Don't say that."
"They cannot ki-"
"I said don't say that. You will stay here and help us in providing suppliments and weopons. You can help people here. King and I are not here so typically you and queen must control governers and city."

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