19 (Make sure)

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Taehyung pov

"Your highness! Silla's embassodor Ma'am Nayeon's here."
"Ma'am Nayeon?"
"She is king's Yogeom's second wife." Jimin said and I nodded.

"King Yogeom didn't hold a ceremony for his queen to announce her how come he has another wife right after her?"
"I don't know your highness but I heard he did that cause queen Sejun was feeling sick. Their ceremony is three months later." I nodded.

"Jisoo you will go and greet her."
"Your highness you your self won't go?"
"No! I will go for the ones that their crown prince or the king's here. She is a simple second wife. More Silla is under our country and trying to become independant so we should show our power. So no need for that." Jimin nodded.
"Ok! I will go I will do my best!" Jisoo said and I caressed her hair.

"We are proud of our princess."
"Your highness I heard Gurio's embassodors are near castel." Namjoon said.
"Ahhhh prince Seokjin's here." I smiled.
"Jisoo go and greet Silla's embassodor soon so we can go to Seokjin!" She nodded and wnet out quickly.

Nayeon pov

Atleast this ceremony made queen accept me as the second wife. He didn't want to leave castel. She was afraid to leave me and king alone so sent me here even she knew I am pregnant.

"That bitch I will show her." I have plans for her. I won't let her to insult me like this. I wish I give birth to a boy so then I know what to do.

I frowned as I saw Bakjae's princess with the other governers. She is just like her brother. I've heard that but now I can see it myself. At makes me even angrier.
"Why Bakjae sent this little one for greeting us?" I asked minister Choi.

"Your highness even she is younger than you and a princess her level is upper than you cause Silla is under Bakjae you are a second wife."
This is it! Bearing the others insulting me like this.

I bowed to her as I reached and ahe smiled just like her brother.
"Welcome to Bakjae."
"Thank you princess!"
"Bakjae hopes you enjoy here and have a nice time here." She said and again smiled. I bowed.

"Thank you princess Jisoo!"
"Accompany ma'am Nayeon and their group to their place."
"Yes your highness!" I again bowed and followed the guards that accompanied us.

We were crossing the great palace when I saw their crown prince and his husband going to the stairs and that Jisoo girl running to them the maids following her.
"Who is here?"
"Your highness Gurio's crown prince and great prince are here." Jungkook and Seokjin! As was passing I shocked what I just saw.

Jungkook opened the palanquin's door and hold Seokjin's hand and helped him come out of the palanquin.
I chuckled.
"They are good in acting."
I looked at the maids who were looking at them.

"Ahhh look Gurio's crown prince and prince Seokjin!"
"I heard he loves our prince alot. From the things princess Jisoo said he is so much inlove with him."

What? He loves Seokjin?

Jin pov

I smiled as saw my brother and prince Jimin and Jisoo standing waiting for us.
We bowed to eachother.

"Brother!" He smiled.
"I missed you!"
"Me too!"
"Prince!" I looked at prince Jimin.
"I wish you are doing well and taking care of crown prince." He smiled.
"Thank you I am fine."
"I wish king Chanyeol and great prince are doing well." Brother was about to say something but was cut.
"They are good! Appa loved the sweets you gave me your highness." Our attention shifted to Jisoo who was smiling looking at prince Jungkook.

"Princess you must not speak like this to crown prince." Jimin said.
Prince Jungkook kneeled infront of her.
"It is ok! Princess Jisoo told me she is my sister as well so I am her bother so he can speak easily with me." Jisoo giggled.

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