24 (Butterflies)

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Jin pov

It was my father's birthday. Tomorrow we will go back to Gurio.
"Seokjin!" I looked at crown prince.

"Come here." He opened his arms for me and I went to him and he made me sat on his lap.
"I know you want to stay more."
"It is not like this your highness. I know I must come back to Gurio. I am form Gurio I am not from Bakjae anymore." He smiled and caressed my hair.

"We will come here more. So don't feel sad. We must attend the ceremony. Your father wants to see you smiling." He said and started tickling me.
"Your highness!"
"Won't you call me Jungkook anymore?"
I looked at him.

"We have to get ready." I wanted to stand up but he tightened his hold.
"Your highn-"
"Call me by my name."
"Your hi-"
"Jungkook I have to get r-" I was cut when he started kissing me multiple times.
"Your highness!"
"Let's get ready."

Taehyung pov

I saw Jin and Prince Jungkook coming while speaking together.

They came to us and bowed and we bowed back.
"Your highness!"
"You two are going to the great palace too?" Prince Jungkook nodded.
"Yes prince."
"Ah tomorrow you will leave am I right?" Jimin asked and Jin pouted.

"I know you will miss us. But soon we will see eachother again."
I saw Yeonjun opening his arms for Seokjin.
"You wanna go to prince Seokjin?" He nodded.
"Come here." He smiled as Jin hold him and leaned his head into his chest.

"He loves you so much."
"I love my beautiful prince so much too."
"Lofe you uncle Jin." He smiled and kissed Yeonjun.

"Ok we must go." They nodded and we started walking to the great palace.
"Jimin take Yeonjun from Seokjin." He bowed.
"Yes your highness!" I looked at Yeonjun who pouted.

I hold him and put him down and kneeled infront of him.
"My beautiful prince. You must now walk yourself. Father and appa will hold your hands ok?" He smiled and nodded.

"It is the first time he is attending an important ceremony likr this." Jin said and I nodded.
"He must learn from now. Soon it is his ceremony as the next crown prince so he must be ready for that."

"Prince Taehyung becomes strict when it comes to these things." I smiled to prince Jungkook.
"Well it didn't work with Jisoo so I think I must work on Yeonjun. You two must enter. We must wait for Jisoo." They nodded.

"Gurio's crown prince and great prince enters."

Jin pov

Every one bowed as we entered. It was like this. The stronger countries would come later so the others will show their respects we were the last one and then my brother and father will come.

"Princess Jisoo enters." Everyone stood up and bowed to her and she quickly went to her place which was across us.
She smiled to us and we smiled.

"Crown prince and young great prince and prince Yeonjun enter." We all got up as we heard that and they came in while prince Yeonjun was looking everywhere with confused eyes.
He looked at me and smiled and I smiled back to him. We chuckled as he waved his hand to us making his parents smile as well.

We were now waiting for king and great prince to come.
I looked at Nayeon who was sitting in the end of teh room.
"You even don't deseve to sit there." I thought by myself.

"King and great prince enter." We again got up and bowed.
"Welcome everyone you can sit now." We bowed again amd sat.

"Father gave me something special to give your father in his birthday."
"Yes?" He nodded.
"So why don't you give him?" He nodded and got up and I as well got up with him.

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