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Jungkook pov

"Ahhhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhhhhh!" I was walking back and forth. Jin was giving birth to our third child. I wanted to be beside him but he told me to stay with Jungkyun. He is 3 and is crying cause his appa is in pain.

"Appa crying!" He said and cried and hiccuped.
"Sweetheart your brother or sister is coming. Soon a new baby will be here so don't cry." I wiped his tears and gave him sweets.
"Sweet!" He said.
"Yes sweetheart eat. Your appa soon will give birth." He nodded and put the sweet in his mouth.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He has lots of pain. A nurse came out.
"How's great prince?" She bowed.
"Your highness he is doing his best. The baby will soon be here." I nodded.
"Ok go!" She bowed again and went.

"Appa has so much pain." Jungseok said.
"Jungkook son give Jungkyun to me and go to great prince." I am really worry and want to be with him too. I looked at mother.
"Mother he told me to stay with Jungkyun."
"Son he will be ok with me. Jungkyun will you stay with me so your father go to appa and help the baby come?" He looked at mother and then me.

"Bring the baby to me when comes ok?" I smiled and nodded.
"Of course he or she loves to see his brother."

I then handed him to mother and entered the room. When we found he is pregnant I was the happiest. He at first refuses for us have another one but then when he saw I really love to have a princess he accepted. But under one condition. If it was a boy he won't get pregnant again. It is why I am wishing this time be a girl.

"Seokjin!" He looked at me.
"Your....high...ness!" I went next to him and caressed his hair.

"We did it in the past we can do it again. Ok?" He smiled and nodded.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhhhhhh." He was panting and his face was red.
"Your highness push stronger."
"I am....doing...ahhhhh....my....best."
"Rest alittle your highness and again push." He nodded. I looked at him.

As I am looking at him all of the things happened for us come in my mind. He devoted struggled and did alot. Cause of us.
"I love you so much!" He smiled. I then kissed his lips. His love is so much sweet. I am happy he allowed me to love him.

"Your highness!" We looked at the doctor.
"Push strongly." He nodded.
"We will do it again." He nodded.

"Your highness the baby is coming alittle more."
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" And we heard the baby's crying.

"Congratulation your highness our princess is here." Yes finally I have my princess.
I looked at Jin.
"We have a princess." He smiled and nodded.

Jin pov

I hold my daughter and looked at her. She is just like me.

"Jeongyeon sweetheart! Welcome to our family!" I caressed her face. She is so much adorable.

"Appa!" I turned my head and saw Jungseok and Jungkyun running to me and Jungkook followimg them.
"Ahhh my princes are here." They came near me.

"She is Jeongyeon?" Jungsoek asked I nodded.
"Yes princess Jeongyeon." I looked at Jungkyun as he giggled.
"What is this?"
"She little. Juneyoug why you sleep?" We burst into laughter.

"Swetheart she is Jeongyeon." He came near and looked at her.
"She is like appa."
"Well my wish that have a prince like myself came true and Jungseok came and then a mixture of us came and now we are having our princess who has his appa's beauty." I looked at him and smiled. I am happy.

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