27 (Civil war)

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Jungkook pov

"Your highness!" Kai came inside panicked.

Jin pov

"Silla has moved its army?"

Jungkook pov

"Yes your highness! They are 10000 soldiers."
"We must now tell prince Taehyung. We were ready for this from two weeks ago. Now Silla is the one who started the war."

Jin pov

I came out of my palace going to crown prince. Now he will leave and go to war.
"Tell I am here." His valet bowed.
"Your highness great prince is here."
"Tell him come in!" I then went inside.

I bowed to him.
"Your highness!"
"So you heard the news?"
"Moonbyul told me."
"We were waiting for it. Now Bakjae and Gurio must mix their armies."

"Your highness how many soldiers they are?"
"No need to worry I heard all of their soldiers are 20000 they just moved 10000 of them. We are 50000 without our 4th group. No need to worry." I swallowed he will leave me soon.

"When....you will leave?"
He sighed.
"Two days later. We must meet prince Taehyung at Han river." I nodded.
"Seokjin you are crying?" He hold my hands and I turned my face. I must not cry.
I smiled.

"I'm fine your highness! I am sure you will come as the winner and will do your best." He hold me and tapped my back.
"I will come to you soon. Don't worry ok?"
"Please take care of yourself." He nodded and wiped my tears.
"Don't cry! My beautiful prince."
I smiled and nodded.

Chanyeol pov

"We must get ready as soon as we can!" They all bowed.
"Yes your highness!"
"We will meet king Suho and prince Jungkook in Han river. Taehyung!"

"Yes your majesty!"
"Check the army be sure all of them have weapons."
"Yes your highness!"
"Minister Kim!"
"Yes your highness!"
"Check the suppliments. Great prince and prince Jimin will check your wok it is really important more than weapons."
"Yes your highness!"

"I am sure Bakjae ane Gurio can do it! So do your best when me ans crown peince are not here."
"Yes your highness!"

Jungkook pov

2 days past soon and now I was getting ready for the war.
I looked at Seokjin who was looking at me.

I caressed his cheek.
"I will be here soon. I am sure Silla cannot do alot."
He just nodded.
"You remember what I told you two weeks ago?"
"Yes your highness!"
"So be aware. You are the one who must control everything here. I will write the letters to you."
"Yes your highness!"

I then hold him.
"Take care of yourself."
"You too! Jungkook please take care. I will be mad at you if I see alittle scar on you." I chuckled.
"It is war. I cannot gaurantee everything but will do my best."

"Don't speak like this. I am sure you will be here all healthy." I smiled and nodded.
"Of course just cause of my prince."

Nayeon pov

"So prince Jungkook is coming too?"
"Yes your highness!"
"What about Seokjin?"
"I heard prince Jungkook didn't let him. He doesn't know anything about fighting."

"Yes?" She nodded.
"We must do something. I am sure they have a way for connecting eachother."

Suho pov

I hold Chanyeol as saw him.
"Ah I missed you alot!" I said and he smiled.
"Me too! It is a long time I wish we would see eachother in better place."

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