12 (Chance)

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Jin pov

"Your highness! Prince Beomgyu is here but he is hurt." I quickly came out of my room running to prince Beomgyu's palace.

As I reached there I saw lots of doctors and nurses.
"Your highness!" Moonbyul came to me.
"What happened?"
"We caught her but Silla's guard came infront of us and prince Beomgyu got hurt. But we arrested her father which was in their house." I closed my eyes. The most important documents are now out of Gurio.

A doctor came.
"How's prince?"
"Your highness!"
"Tell me."
"He lost lots of blood." I then remembered how brave he was when he left.

"You must do your best. You must do your best for our prince." I then went inside to see princess Daehyun crying foe his brother. She stood up and bowed.

"Your highness!"
"King Suho enters!" We quickly got up and bowed.
"My son!" He hold Beomgyu's hand which was bloody.

"There is noway for saving him?" I asked the doctor.
"Your highness there is a plant which can save him that is in one mountain."

Jungkook pov

I still couldn't believe. No Nayeon won't do this to me. Seokjin is just doing this cause he is jealous of her.

I stood up and came out of my room.
"Your highness!" Kai came panicked.
"Kai why you look like this?"
"Your highness prince Beomgyu!"
"What happened to him?"
"Yoeu highness!"


Jin pov

"Your highness you may get cold."
"I am fine Wendy just look for that plant."

I was in the Han mountain looking for the plant doctor said. Princess Daehyun was with prince Beomgyu taking care of him. I must find that plant.

"Look all over the jungle. Under the snow and the muds."
"Yes your highness!"

I then sat down and pushed the snow away.
"Your highness w-"
"We will find it sooner if everyone work. Go and try to find it." She nodded and started looking for that plant.

I was running all over the jungle and my dress was muddy. My hands were cold cause of the cold and red weather.
I was walking when I found the plant.
I remembered what the doctor said.

'It has small leaves loke star shape  and little yellow flowers. The stem has thorn which you must becareful.'

I smiled and went to the plant.

I took it out it was lots of them there.
"I found it!" I said and the maids came to me.
"Your highness your hand-"
"Come on prince Beomgyu needs them."

Jungkook pov

"Queen Irene is here!"
"I told you all queen must not understand anything an-"
"Your highness....why....why....our son is-"
"Mother!" We quickly went to her as she was about to fall.
"My queen!"
"My....s...s...son!" She then went to Beomgyu with father's help.

"What happened to him?" She asked crying hard.
"Mother!" She looked at me.
"Mother calm down!"
"How? How? Why he is hurt? What happened to him?"

"He went for Gurio's sake. Our son wanted to save Gurio. I am sure he'll get better."

"Mother he'll be ok!"
"Look how much blood he has lost!" She said and cried. I sighed.
"I will go to find a way maybe we can find a better doctor. Maybe a chinese one." My father said.
"I will come with you!"

We came out and the doctor came to us and bowed.
"Can't you do something for my son?"
Is it all cause of me? No I didn't want this. How dumb I was!

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