36 (Kindness)

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Jin pov

I smiled as I read my father and appa's letter.

"My dear Seokjin! How are you doing son? We heard the news and are so much happy for you and king Jungkook. Your appa is so much happy and wants to see you.
We sent some things that help to keep you healthy. Use them sweetheart. Take care of yourself and our little prince or princess! We all love you darling!
Missed you so much!
From your dad and appa!"

"I missed you too!" I said and caressed the letter.
"Ah your highness why are you crying? Is something bothering you?" I shook my head.
"I missed my parents." Wendy smiled.
"Your highness don't cry they won't be happy to see you cry. I am sure you can see them soon."

"I cannot till I give birth. The doctor said by my condition and my stomache figure it is about 3 months I am pregnant. Going to long trips are not safe and they can't come here. So I won't be able to see them for 7 or 8 months till my baby os here."

"Your highness don't make yourself sad. I am sure king Chanyeol will do his best to see you. It is not good for the baby. I heard the baby will understand if you are sad or happy."
"Yes your highness! The baby will feel everything that you are feeling so better not overthink alot cause will effect on baby." I just nodded and caressed my belly. I don't want something bad happen to my baby. I will do my best to protect my baby.

Then something came in my mind. Sweets!
"I want sweets."
"I will go and buy for -"
"No need for that Wendy!" I got up as saw king entered.
"Your highness." He quickly came to me and put me back on the chair to sit.
"Don't get up and bow when I come it is not good for you. Here I bought you sweets." I smiled.

"I told you tell me whatever I want and I will provide it. Now eat and don't starve yourself and our baby." I chuckled and ate one. I then looked at him and gave him one.
"Here our baby told me he likes his father eat one too."
"Wow you became so close."
"What do you mean? He or she is inside me. We eat together sleep together so of course we are close." He chuckled and hold me.

"Yes you are right!"

Jungkook pov

I was thinking about what Jin told me about Daehyun and Sehun. I must do something about it.

"Your highness Prince Sehun's here."
"Tell him come in!" He came in and bowed.
"Your highness!" I smiled.
"Let's have a talk yes?" He bowed his head.

"So...great prince told me you are interested in marrying princess Daehyun." He lowered his head.
"Your highness!" I smiled.
"No need to afraid. I just wanted to hear this from yourself."

"Y-your highness! I know I am not....the one....that princess Daehyun deserves but I really....love her."
I chuckled.
"So why you think you don't deserve her?"
"Your highness!"
"If it is cause you are just a prince that left his country it doesn't matter cause I can see princess has some feelings toward you." He bit his bottom lip.

"More I heard prince Sehun has some goals for future. Who knows maybe my sister has the chance to be a queen."
"Your highness!"
"You two can speak with eachother. I don't have any problem. But I must speak with mother queen as well. We need her acceptance."
He smiled.

"Yes your highness!"

Nayeon pov

I looked at the dead baby which came out of me after having lots of pain.

"Your highness!"
"What was...it? Boy?" She shook her head.
"Take this dead bloody thing away from me."
"Your highness!"

"King Yogeom enters!" I looked at the king as he entered. The doctor went to him and told him everything. He sighed and came to me. I can say he is paying attention to me less and less each day. Just coming to me when needs me.

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