1 (Prince)

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Taehyung pov

"Ah my beautiful prince. You are so much beautiful my little one." I cooed my 3 years old son and he giggled.
"He is so much like you your majesty."
"Jimin honey how many times I must say call me by my name. I am your husband no need to be formal when we are together."

He smiled.
"Prince Seokjin!"
"Your highness where are you?" We heard maids screaming and running all over the castle's garden.
"What is this?" I asked.
"Ah Jin!" Jimin whispered.

"Jimin is it something I don't know?" He bit his bottom lip.
"He went out of the castle again yeah?" He lowered his head.
"I talked to him many times as you and king said but he doesn't listen." I sighed. I don't know how many times we must tell him not to go out of castle?

I quickly went to the head maid.
He bowed.
"Soobin where is my brother?"
"Your highness."
"Where is my brother?"
"Your highness it is 2 hours we are looking for him. We cannot find him."

My heart started beating fast. What if someone hurts him? He even doesn't know how to use a sword.
"Call the guards we will go to find him before king and great prince understand."

He bowed.
"Yes sir!"
"Taehyung!" Jimin came to me with Yeonjun in his hold.
"Don't worry it is not the first time."
"Jimin you know he doesn't know how to protect himself. It is not safe for him to go out."

"Your highness!" One of our guards came and bowed.
"Prince Seokjin is in Welfare ministry right now. We found him."
"Welfare ministry?"

Jin pov

"What is this mess huh? Answer me?"
"Your highness!"
"Moonbyul go and bring all of the contracts and all of the money My Father and brother has given them for making the new orphanage."

She bowed.
"Yes your highness."
"Your highness." One of the employees here said. I came out of the castle for seeing the progress of the new orphanage but found nothing.

"Your highness here." She handed me the documents and as I reviewed them they bought things for their own. As I am looking at them I am getting angrier.

"So you use the government money for yourself yeah?"
"Your hi-"
"I'm sure king will know what to do with you."

I then came out of here.
"Sir it is raining."
"We will go to castle I must give these to my dad."
"Yes your majesty."

"Seokjin!" I stopped as I heard my brother's voice. I quickly went to him and bowed.
"Are you ok? We were looking for you." I smiled.
"I'm fine."
"How many times we must tell you not to go out alone? Ahhh look you are wet cause of the rain. What if you get sick? Bring prince's horse now. We must go to the castle right now."

"Wait Taehyung there is something important."
"What is this?"
"This!" I handed him the documents.
"They haven't made the orphanage and used the money for their own advantage. We must tell this to Father."

He quickly looked at the documents. From his eyes I can say he was angry.
He looked at Moonbyul.
"Take prince to castle." She bowed.
"Yes your highness."

"Namjoom come with me we have alot to do here."
"Jin go to castle before Father and appa find you are out."
"Listen it is more than 2 hours you are out of the castle and it is not safe."
"I was with Moonbyul. She can protect me."

"Just listen and go. Take care of prince." He then went to the ministry.
"Ah I wanted to eat dumplings and noodles."
"Your highness we must go or crown prince will be mad at us and punish us for not taking care of you." I pouted.
"I am not a child. I can take care of myself."
"Your highness."
"Ok! Let's go."

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