15 (Peace)

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Jin pov

"Your highnessss! Noooo you yourself must not do that. You'll get muddy!"
"Wendy I am fine!"
"King and queen will kill me you must not work."

"Ahhh Wendy! I am excited to see this orphanage is established. It makes happy when I work next to the others."
"Well it is going to finish soon."
"How is the welfare ministry?" She smiled.

"With the rice and salt you gifted people they are giving them to all of the people. Princess Daehyun is there and taking care that the employees do well. She is strictly doing that." I smiled.
"What about the army?"
"Prince Beomgyu is working on that. They seperated them into 4 groups. The governers and blue bloods even are helping in training and they gave their salary."

"Yes your majesty!"
"They at first were opposite of that."
"Yes but king told them he will give them half the things they get from war." I nodded. It is a way too.

"Ok come and help!"
"Your highness we must go the castel. It is a month and half you are all put of the castel and working."
"Hey don't whine! Here some mud!"
"Your highnessssss!" She screamed as I put some mud on her first and I laughed.
"You look funny!"

She pouted.
"You must change and we musy go yo the catsel the palanquin is waiting."
"Ok I will change now."

Jungkook pov

I was in the city walking all aorund. After a month and half I was in our city.
"Your highness we must go back to castel."
"City has changed. What happened when I wasn't here?"

Moonbyul shrugged.
"I don't know! I just heard some changes happened in the army arrange."
"Army?" She nodded.

I then saw a building which was being built.
"What is this? Wiat the royal guards are there." We got near and I got shocked when I saw Seokjin coming out of there.

"Your highness look you work alot! King will be mad if something happen to you."
"Wendy you nag alot!"
"Ahhh prince S-" I put my hand on Moonbyul's mouth.

He was about to go to his palanquin. He turned and saw the building and smiled. He was entering his palanquin but stopped.
"Ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh!" I heard a kid crying.

He quickly ran to him.
"What happened?" He asked the kid which had dirty clothes.
"Why you don't have clothes in this cold weather? Where are your parents?" He then took his front silky cape and put on the kid. I got shcoked.

"Your highness your cap-"
He hold the kid.
"Where are your parents?"
"They....they...died." The boy said and cried.
"Hey you little one come out of great prin-"
"It is fine! Let's go inside and take a bath and have something yes sweetheart?" He then hold the boy tightly and entered taht building.

"Ahhh prince Seokjin hasn't changed at all."
"Where is here?"
"You can go and ask him?" I looked at her.
"You are really rude I am your crown prince and you are asking me lots of questions. First don't tell the great prince we saw him and second go and ask where is here."
"Why you yoursel-"
"Moonbyul!" She bowed her head.

"Yes your majesty!"

Jin pov

"We must do something about the orphan kids. We must find them."
"How? Go all around the city and check if a kid is orphan or no!"

"Yes your highness!" I hold her.
"Ahhhh you are really smart. We can use some guards I don't think it takes more than a week."
"Your majesty you really wanna do this?"

"Of course! In that case no orphan will remain. And more this orphanage is big enough for all of them."
"Your highness you are joking yeah?"
"Wendy! Stop this. I am serious!"

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