46 (Jealousy)

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Jin pov

"She is so much adorable." Queen said and hold princess Yeongsun. She is princess Daehyun's and prince's Sehun's daughter.

I looked at king who was looking at her all smiling. I caressed my belly. I wish this time we have a girl. King loves to have a princess.
"She is so much lovable just like her brother." We rhen looked at primce Yeongju.
"Well being pregnant with twins is hard but you did it sweetheart!" Queen said and princess bowed.

I looked at Jungsoek who was sitting on the chair with tightened brows and a pout. I went to him.
"Is something wrong my prince?" He shook his head.
"You sure?"
"Appa I am tired." He then stood up and went out of queen's room.

"Ah our crown prince went out?"
"I don't know what happened but he was mad I think."
"Mad?" I nodded.
"Seokjin sweetheart sit! It is not good for you to stand alot." I nodded and Jungkook helped me to sit.

"What happened to Jungseok? I am worry for my son." I told him. He chuckled.
"Well....I guess I know what is this?"
"Then what is this?"

Jungkook pov

I reached Jungseok's palace and saw him sitting infront of the lake and throwing stones in it. I chuckled. It reminds myself to me. When my mother was pregnant I was jealous and afraid. Thinking the next baby will steal my parents from me.

"Your highness!" His maids bowed.
I went near him.
"Can I sit next to prince?" I asked him and he looked at me.
"Father!" I sat beside him and hold him putting him on my lap.

"What is making my prince sad?" He pouted.
"You and everyone were just looking at Yeongsun and Yeongju. No one was looking at me. You love them more than me. And if appa's baby comes you love him more than me too." I smiled. I knew it is cause of this.

I caresses his hair.
"But appa and I love you so so much!"
He shook his head.
"No when the baby comes you no love Jungseok anymore."
He said and put his palms on his eyes crying.

"Ah Jungseok! My Jungseok is a big man. He won't cry for these little things. Jungseok you know how we chose your name?" He looked at me and shook his head.
I wiped his tears.
"Jung is from the first part of my name and Seok comes from the first part of your appa's name. So you are part of us. How can we stop loving you even when your brother or sister comes?" He blinked.

"You love Jungseok?" I smiled and nodded.
"Appa too?"
"So you love me and baby at the same time?" I chuckled and nodded.
"Yes sweetheart! Now stop crying and let's go to appa. Appa was worry for you and was about to cry. If he cries thr baby will cry too. Do you like to see your appa and baby cry?" He shook his head and stood up.

"Noooo! Jungseok is the best boy and brother. I wanna go to appa and baby!" I smiled and got up!
"Ok my prince let's go I am sure appa and our baby missed you alottt!" He giggled and started running.

Jin pov

I got shocked as Jungseok came inside the room and hold me tight.
"Appa I love you and our baby! I will be the best brother. Jungseok loves you." I caressed his hair. What happened to him? He then kissed my belly.
"Baby I love you!"
"Our baby loves you too."

"King Jungkook enters." I smiled as Jungkook came in.
"Hey you little one I told you not to run like that." Jungseok giggled.
"Our prince missed me and his sibling." Jungseok nodded.
"But sweetheart why you were sad?" He pouted but then smiled.
"Nothing important appa! I was tired." He said and smiled.

"Your highness I think the royal doctor must check him."
"He is alright."
"No! He said he was tired. Maybe he is sick." King chuckled.
"It was cause of alittle jealousy."

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