41 (Birth)

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Jungkook pov

"So the army is all over the borders yeah?"
"Yes your highness! We doubled the soldiers."
"Your highness we heard west kingdom had meetings with Silla." I nodded.

"I will write a letter to prince Taehyung to speak about it. I think we have to speak about this with Bakjae."
"Your highness our army and Bakjae's army are in the best condition now. We are trying to improve our weapons." Sehun said an dI nodded.
"Don't forget about suppliments. I am sure Silla has some plans."

"Yes your highness!"
"Yes your highness!"
"I think it is the time about what we planned for. You must start to get ready."
"Right now your highness?"
"After your wedding with Daehyun! Uou need to practice for some years. Being our son in law will give you more power I heard Silla's governers are so mad at Yogeom so we can use it against him. I guessin upcoming 5 years."

"Prince Sehun king Jungkook is right! Moonbyul and I have been thinking about it too. Silla is in the situation that we can use against it." Beomgyu said.
"But we still must wait." Moonbyul said.

"How Moonbyul?"
"I heard Ma'am Nayeon and queen are pregnant. We must see if they give birth to a boy or girl. I am sure a fight will begins between Nayeon and queen. Cause of their children. And if they both give birth to a girl then we can make this against Yogeom. He needs a heir and he doesn't have." I nodded.

"You are right! The rumors about him being cursed can be useful." They all nodded.
"Your highness the royal doctor's here."
"Tell him come in!" I looked at Moonbyul Sehun ans Beomgyu.
"You can leave now." They bowed and went out.

The doctor came in and bowed.
"So how is our prince?" He smiled and bowed.
"Your highness our prince is completely fine. He soon will give birth so all of us must be ready for it."
I smiled. Our baby will soon be here.

"I heard from checking you can tell how many days is remained. Can you predict it?"
"Your highness I can say prince will give birth in two weeks."
"Two weeks?" He nodded.
"Yes your highness! I checked prince's stomache. His stomache is coming down which shows the baby is ready to come out. We must be careful and aware when his contractions start." I nodded.

"Be aware and be always by our prince's side ok?" He smiled and nodded.

Jin pov

"Your highness! Please stay in your bed it is not good for you to stand up."
"Wendy...I need to... walk alittle. Doctor said it is good for the baby." I then wore my cape and she helped me to come out of my room.

"Hmmmm....the weather is delightful." I did my best to come down the stairs. I even cannot see my feet. It is hard for me to walk.
"Seokjin son!"
"Mother!" She came near me and I bowed my head.
"You came out?"
"I am going for a walk. The doctor sais it is good for the baby."

"Sweetheart I will accompany you!" I smiled and she hold my hand. I saw her looking at my belly.
"Mother!" She looked at me and amiled.
"You don't know how happy I am. Soon I can hold him or her." I smiled and caressed my belly. I will hold my baby in my arms.
"It is sweet yeah?"
"I know how does it feel. The first time I hold my baby in my arms I was crying in happiness. When he cried in my arms. I felt I am completed."

I smiled.
"I am sure he will bring lots of happiness to us."
I tunred and saw Jisoo in king's hold. I smiled as they came to us.
"I thought I told screaming is not nice for a beautiful princess like you." She giggled.

"How are you doing?" I looked at king and smiled.
"I'm fine your highness!"
"I thought you will wait for me to go for a walk together."
"I was exhausted so I came out. Sorry! The next time I will wait."

He shook his head.
"It is fine. I am worry for you! The royal doctor said you will give birth soon. Better to stay in your room these days ok?" I smiled and nodded.

Jungkook pov

"Your doctor said your stomache is down right now and the baby will come in two weeks." He smiled and nodded.
"I am happy I cannot wait to see him or her."
"Me too! Ahhh my beautiful prince or princess will be here soon." I then kissed his belly multiple times. I looked at Seokjin.

"Do you have any pain?"
"Except the times the baby kicks no!" I caressed his back and hold him.
"Awww baby Jungkook wants attention?" He said and caressed my hair.
"Ahhh when our baby comes we won't have time for eachother alot."
"Well he or she is here cause of the times you are speaking about. And more he or she will have its own palace and room. You yourself made it next to my room." I nodded.

"But I don't like my baby sleeps alone." He said and pouted.
"His nanny will be with him."
"No! I want my baby sleep next to me. So bring his crib here."
"Seokjin none of the prince and pri-" I got quite as I saw his tightened brows.

"Ok! I will tell them to bring a crib in our room." He smiled and nodded.
"Good! And who is his nanny?"
"Her name is Soomin! She will feed our baby and take care fo him. She is one of the army's leader's wife. She has a daughter so she will feed our baby too." He nodded. He likes to feed our baby himself. But it can't happen. The baby needs food alot and his dresses give him limits to feed him all the time.

"Jungkook I want-"
"I know what you wanna say but this is a rule. We cannot change it. Yes they were queens and great princes that feed tehir baby but it is better to let his nanny do this ok?" H e pouted but then nodded.
"Now let's have your food cause the baby must be hungry."

Daehyun pov

"So you wanna do that?"
"It is what king ordered. I will obey him. Daehyun I will take what they stole from me and my father."
"I am sure you can! Remember I am always by your side. No matter what happens." He smiled and hold me.

"Thank you! For loving me and accepting me."
"Sehun I am happy I have you. Even you don't become a king I will have a life full of love with you." He caressed my hair.
"I love you!"
"I love you too!"

Irene pov

Beomgyu enters the room and bowed.
"Come and sit!" He bowed again and sat.

"So how is our prince doing?"
"I am fine mother." I hold his hand.
"Sorry son! I know I forgot about you these days."
"Don't say that your majesty! I understand the situation." I smiled.
"Even you are just 17 you are so wise which makes me happy. You help your brother as well and do your responsibilities well. I am proud of you my little one." He smiled.

"I am so much happy! For having you! You helped alot Beomgyu!"
"Mother!" I hold him and tapped his back.
"I am sure your father is proud of you too."
"I am happy that I make you feel proud and happy."
I smiled. He reminds Suho so much to me. Suho pur children are growing well. I am happy we have such an angels.

Jungkook pov

"Your highness castel is compeltely ready."
"Even the city! We donate the rice and salt you said to people for our prince or princess's birth. They all were very happy and hoping a long life for king and great prince and their baby." Daehyun said and I smiled.
"Your highness the people held a ceremony for great prince to pray his child comes healthy and he'll be healthy and have a long living." I smiled.

"It is all cause prince Seokjin is so much kind to them." I nodded.
"Prince Sehun is right! I myself saw how children likes him. I heard the children in orphanage made him a new dress themself."

"Yes! Prince Seokjin change Gurio and -"
"Your highness!" I was cut when I heard Kai coming inside panicked.
"What is this?"
"Your highness! Prince Se-"
"Seokjin what?"
"He is about to give birth." I didn't know what to do. Giving birth now?

"Your highess!" I came out of my thoughts as Sehun called me.
"We...should go....to...great pri...pri....pri ahhhhh!" I quickly came out of my room running to his palace.

"Mother!" She smiled and came to me.
"How's he?"
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" It was enough for me to understand how is my prince. I will soon hold my baby in my arms.

Heyyyyyy! Did you like it? I published the first chapter of my new Jinkook book "Weird destiny"! Hope you enjoy!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

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