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Jungkook pov

I bowed to my parents and they smiled.

"We are glad you are back." I smiled.
"I really missed you."
"Me too son! Me and your father were always thinking about you."
"When did you come?"
"It was early in the morning." Father nodded.

"So how are the borders now?"
"I am glad I went and checked them. The defending lines needed some changes and I did. I can say they are in the best now." My father smiled.

"With the new army we are making and these defendings I am sure Silla cannot do anything."
"I heard about the changes. I can say they are impressive." My father chuckled.

"Well it was Seokjin's idea. The day you left he came and he recommended this. Ahhh he is so talented. From that time he helps me with my works. I can say Gurio has changed alot cause of his ideas."

"The orphanage he asked you is getting ready your highness. He said he has plans for makjng new ones in other cities. Beomgyu is going all over the city with the guards for finding orphans and taking them to the orphanage." Mother said.

She then faced me.
"Son you must go to your husband and thank him. He is really loyal to Gurio and you." I smiled.
"Mother I went to him when I arrived. He was getting ready to go out of castel. We had breakfast together." She gave me a bold smile.

"Yeah?" I smiled and nodded.
"Jungkook! For being a good king you must cooperate together. I told this to Seokjin too." I bowed my head.
"Yes your highness!"

I have plans for asking his help. He helped me alot and I was blind. Even we don't have a good relationship as two husbands we can control everything together.

Nayeon pov

I hissed as she slapped me on my face.
"You rude girl you how dare you come in my way? "

I bowed.
"Your highness!"
"You will learn to behave in future. I will make sure you and your child know how to behave to me. He or she will just be like you. Don't think I will let you to do everything cause king loves you. You are nothing more than a betrayal. You are trying to ruin Silla just like Gurio but I won't allow you." She then left and went to her palace.

"That bitch!"
"Your highness!"
"A day I will show her who I am. I will kill her and that Seokjin who made my life like this."

It is 2 months I am in Silla as the king's lover. Queen won't accept me as king's second wife even I am pregnant with king's child. She must give the sentence but she doesn't. I don't know what else I have to do.

Gurio killed my father. I heard he had a hard death. Infront of everyone while blood was coming outbof his mouth cause of poisen. They even took all of our property. Good thing king Yogeom has feelings toward me and now I am pregnant with his child he is taking more care of me. But he loves the queen as well.

"I will kill you and take your place."

Taehyung pov

"Father's birthday is near!" Jimin said as he was swinging Yeonjun in his hold and he was refusing to sleep.
"Give him to me. Our prince is energetic today." He shook his head and gave Yeonjun to me.

"Yes! He is so much playful today." I looked at Yeonjun.
"Yeah?" He giggled and leaned his head to my chest.
"So we must send embassodors to countries for inviting them."

"Yes! I am thinking about it."
"Ahhhh I missed prince Seokjin. I wonder what father and appa will do when they see him. It is 3 months he has left." I nodded.

"Yeah! I missed him so much."
"My brother and sister will come too. Ahhh I am happy." I hold Jimin's hand. I know he misses them so much. He can see his family in these ceremonies.

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