21 (Prince Jungkook and prince Seokjin)

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Jin pov

I opened my eyes. I looked beside me but didn't see crown prince.
Did he stay out last night?

I sat and got shocked as I turned my head and saw him putting his head on the bed and sleep.
"Your highness!" I quickly got up and went beside him.
"Your highness!" I called him again but he didn't respond.

Should I touch him? I sighed and shaked him alittle.
"Your highness!" I called him again and finaly he opened his eyes.
"Ahhhh...my neck!"
"Your highness!"

He looked at me and smiled.
"Did you sleep well....ahh?" He said and massaged his neck.
"Your highness why you slept here?"
"I thought you feel uncomfortable sleeping next to me." I felt guilty. He slept like this cause of my comfort.
"You must have not done this. I will tell the maids make you a warm bath and call the doctor."
"I'm fine. Belive me."
"Your highness!"

He looked at me and smiled and stood up.
"I'm fine great prince. Let's fresh up and have our breakfast. I wanna go all around Bakjae's castel with princess Jisoo. She told me she will show me everywhere wanna join us?"

I looked at him who had a smile. I just nodded not wanting to see his sad face again. He is confusing me more each day. I feel like I am not even living and it bothers me. Not knowing what is right and what is lie. What should I do?

Jungkook pov

"Brotherrrrr!" Princess Jisoo said and ran to us and shocked us by hugging me not Seokjin.
"I thought you are calling me." Seokjin said and pouted.
"Brother hello how are you doing today?"

"Hello to you princess! As what I'm doing I fell hurt cause my own sister greeted someone else than his brother." She giggled and went to him and hold him.
"Brother!" He smiled and caressed her hair.

"So prince Jungkook said you wanna show him all the castel." She nodded.
"Yes like what princess Daehyun did."
I then hold her.
"Ok then why don't we start now?"

She nodded.
"Your highness it is better to put her down. She is big enough. Princess!" She looked at Jisoo who looked at me and then him.
"Well I think we must listen to your brother." I then put her down am dhold her hand.
"Let's go yes?" She nodded and smiled.

We then started walking.
"The weather is beautiful today. The sun is shining even it is cold in winter." Seokjin said and I nodded.
"Sun will never leave the humans alone. Cause knows they always need them."

He smiled ane nodded.
We then arrived at a bridge.
"It is Chanbaek bridge. My father made it so his palace will be connected to my appa's palace. He told me before this there wasn't any bridge here and his palace was far from appa's so cause he wanted to be near appa he made this bridge. And this river which is under it is Taehyung river. It is my brother's name. You know why?" She asked me and I shook my head.

"My father said this river comes from the mountain and then comes to the castel and goes to city. It gives people water and help them alot. He said he named my brother Taehyung so he can be like this river cause he is the crown prince and next king. He must be like this river always moving give happiness to people and help them. He is as important as Taehyung river." She said and smiled.
Seokjin caressed her hair.

"Our princess is very smart. I am sure father is proud of you." She giggled.
"Ok ok! Come come I wanna show you something else. There is my favourite place."

We nodded and followed her.
"Ah Seokjin garden! Here is your favourite place Jisoo?"
"It names after you?" He shook his head.
"No! King Kim Jungkook named here Seokjin garden. I heard prince Seokjin was his great prince he was from Gurio and king Jungkook loved him so much. I heard he made this garden for prince Seokjin cause he loved flowers. There is a mountain is Bakjae call Seokjin. Seems king loved his great prince alot." He said and smiled.

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