34 (King Jungkook)

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Jungkook pov

"King Jungkook and great prince Seokjin enter!" The first minister announced and Seokjin and I entered the great palace garden.

All of the governers and the other countries' embassodors were looking at us as we were walking to the stairs to go up the stairs. Which my mother and siblings were there with King Chanyeol and great prince Baekhyun.

I smiled as saw Jisoo looking at us and smiling.
As we reached the stairs I looked at Jin who gave me a smile.
"Let's hold eachother hands."
"Huh?" I hold his hand and he looked at me shocked.
"Your highness it is not appropriate in a ceremony li-"
"It is our ceremony so I will hold it the way I like." He chuckled.
"Ok let's go!"

We then went up the stairs and bowed to my mother.
"Prince Jungkook from now you are Gurio's king. Do your best for Gurio and Gurio's people and give your everything for Gurio." I bowed and repeated my vows. The first minister put my crown on my head.

He then turned to Seokjin.
"Prince Seokjin from now you are Gurio's great prince. You must be loyal to your country and your king and do your responsibilities in the best way and give your everything for Gurio." He repeated the vows and he put his crown on his head.

"Now king and great prince must bow to eachother." We both bowed to eachother. I smiled as saw him looking at me. He was so much beautiful.

"I love you!" I mouthed it and he smiled and told me "I love you too!"

We turn to see the governers and other people which were standing to see the ceremony.

"I king Jungkook will bring a glory and beauty to Gurio that you have never seen. Gurio will be one of the strongest countries. But I as well need your help. I am sure we can make this dream to a reality if we help eachother!" They all bowed.

"Yes your highness!"
"Congratulation king Jungkook!" The first minister said and the others repeated and bowed.
"Congratulation great prince Seokjin!"
Seokjin looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

So we will start a new begining from now!

Jin pov

I smiled as saw people dancing and having fun while the governers and others were speaking.

"You look happy." I looked at Jungkook and smiled.
"I am! The empty place of father still bothers me but seeing people and the others enjoying their time makes me feel happy."
"Well I am waiting for the time the both of us enjoy our time together the two of us." I looked at him.

"Your highness!" He chuckled and hold my hand and kissed it.
"Ah look seems someone's not enjoying the ceremony!" I followed his eyes and saw Jisoo pouting and looking at the table. Even her valet wants to catch her attention ane make her to smile but she was not listening to her.

I got shocked when king got up from his seat and went down the stairs.
"Your highness!" I called him but he didn't pay attention.
"Oh my god! I wonder what Jisoo has done to him."

"King loves children your highness! More princess Jisoo is like you so I guess it is why king likes her so much." Wendy said and I nodded.
I then looked at king who hold Jisoo in his arms and brought her with himself as she was all giggling in his arms. I wonder what he will do if we have our own child.

"Here is our princess."
"Princess you weren't enjoying?"
"I was alone there. All of them are older than me and I was the youngest." I caressed her hair.
"You like to be here with us?" She smiled and nodded.

Jungkook pov

"Ah I am tired." Jin said and sat on the bed.
I went next to him and hold him from behind.
"Thank you for helping me through everything. These days I was busy sorry if you felt I am ignoring you." He turned and looked me.
"Who said I felt you are ignoring me?"
He the  caressed my cheek.

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