29 (Speak)

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Taehyung pov

"Your highness I am sorry for saying this but prince Seokjin got injured and he lost his baby."
"Seokjin was pregnant?" My father asked.

"Yes..... your highness!" My father sat on his chair and closed his eyes.
"How is Seokjin now?" He bit his bottom lip.
"Sorry your highness! I heard prince is not speaking with anyone these past 5 days. He rarely eats and just drinks water."

My poor brother!

Author pov

Nayeon was laughing loudly by hearing the news.
"So he was pregnant?"
"Yes your highness!"

"Seokjin! Now you will underatand what is hell. I want to see Jungkook's face now."
"I heard prince Seokjin is not speaking with anyone these past 5 days. He just drink water and eats rarely."

"Good! We lost the warbut achieve something better."
"Queen Sejun enters."
As she came in she slapped my face.

"Cause of you Silla is now in the worst situation. We don't have a big army and now we are in danger taht Bakjae or Gurio attack us."
"Your highness!"
"Just wait and see how I make your life like hell. For a betrayal cause of you Silla must be insulted."

Jungkook pov

I entered Jin's room seeing him lying on bed looking at the flower which was on the table. I sighed and went to him.

"Seokjin!" Like past five days he didn't say anything.
I hold his hand and kissed it.
"Sweetheart you know how much I missed your voice?" I kneeled on the ground and went near his face. He even didn't look at me.

"I missed you!" I said and pecked his lips.
"Seokjin please speak with me. Cry out loud. I know how much in pain you are. We lost our baby. When I heard that I wish I was the one who have died but not our baby."

His tears fell and I wiped them.
"Please speak with me. I am here to hear you listen to you. I am here so you can put your head on my shoulder and cry. Please even you are sad please let the pain out. Don't bother yourself like this!"

Silenece was all I couls get. He was crying silently. I don't know what to do. It is painful so much painful.

Irene pov

"How's great prince?" Beomgyu bit his bottom lip.
"He is not speaking with anyone."
"Ah it must be hard for prince Jungkook."

"It is! He is not eating well too. His valet told me he doesn't sleep and he is in the royal hospital most of the times to speak with the doctors and give them different medicines to make for prince Seokjin but he refuses to eat all of them." I sighed. My two sons are in a very bad condition.
"Ah even we trialed the criminals and told him he didn't react to it." Daehyun said with a sad expression.

"It is not a scar will be fixed this soon. He lost his child." They nodded.
"Ah I should have stayed."
"Beomgyu it is not anyone's fault. Anyway are you working what I told you?" He nodded.
"I will find who was behind all of these things soon."

Jungkook pov

I looked at the medicine which was on the fire and getting ready.
"Your highness let me make it an-"
"No I myself will make it." Kai bowed.
"Yes your highness!"

In that time the royal doctor came.
"Did you check prince Seokjin is my prince ok?" He bit his bottom lip.
"Your highness! I'm sorry.... but.... he refuses to eat his medicines and foods. His body is so much weak." I want to cry out loud. Why this happen to us?

"Ok! I myself will prepare his medicine and give him." He bowed.
"Yes your highness!"
"Kai the medicine is ready make it ready we will go to great prince."

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