32 (Next to you)

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Suho pov

"Ah our beautiful prince....is here again!" He smiled and sat beside my bed.
"Ok what do you like to hear today?"
"Today.... I want to speak with.... you can you hear me.... instead?"

He then hold my hand.
"I want to thank you! For.... being this loyal to Gurio and your..... husband. I am happy your love eachother and are working..... good together."

"Son! I want you always be..... beside Jungkook! You are his power as well. Jungkook..... needs you so much more the time he becomes the king!"
"Father don'-"
"Please listen ok?" He smiled and nodded. I coughed.

"I am sure you.... and Jungkook won't disappoint me. I trust..... on you ok son?"

Jungkook pov

I looked at Jin who was deep thinking.
"What is this sweetheart?" He smiled ans shook his head.
"Nothing! I am thinking about father." I sighed his condition is getting worse each day.
"We are looking for a good doctor for him. No need to worry." He nodded.

Jin pov

I went to the great palace to see father like everyday at this time. He always wait for me to read for him an dhe will sleep.
His valet bowed.

"Tell king I am here." He bowed.
"Your highness great prince's here." We didn't here anything.
"Your highness great prince is here and wants your permission to come in." Again silence.

"Father it is me Seokjin I am coming in!" I said and entered his room but got shocked as saw him closing his eyes his head on the table.
"FATHER!" I saw the bloody cloth in his hand.

"Father look at me it is Seokjin! CALL THE ROYAL DOCTOR!" I hold him and called him again and again.
"Father it is me Seokjin please open your eyes." He didn't say anything.

Jungkook pov

"King has fainted?"
"Yes your highness the royal doctor is now in the great palace." I quickly came out of my room.
"When did it happen?"
"Primce Seokjin went to him like everyday but we found him fainted as his cloth was full of blood."

Father was sick and we all knew. I must have not let him to come to the war.
As I reached his palace I saw mother crying adn Jin holding her by her arms.
"Jungkook son!"
"How's father?" I asked Jin.

"The doctor is checking him." He said and swallowed.
I lookes at Daehyun who was crying and Beomgyu who came to me.
"Maybe we must bring a better doctor form other countries. What do you think your highness?" I thought for some time.

"Let's see what the royal doctor will tell." He bowed.
In taht time the doctor came.
"How's our king?" He bowed.
"Your highness! King Suho is in a very hard condition. His breathing is hard right now."
"There is a way to save my father yes?" He bit his bottom lip.

"I'm sorry your highness! The infection has exapanded all of his body and his lungs cannot take this anymore."
"What do you mean? You are a doctor an-"
"YOUR HIGHNESS!" We heard my father's valet and quickly went inside seeing him coughing hardly.
"Father!" He smiled as he looked at me.
"I want.... to.... speak.... with Jung...kook!"

Jin pov

I hold mother.
"Mother father will be alright please don't cry."
"How? He fainted what if I lose him? He is my everything." How beautiful their love is. I wish Jungkook and I have this love forever like them.

"I am sure father will be here with you. He is just alittle sick mother."
"I wodner what father is saying to prince." Prince Beomgyu said.
"Maybe some things which is just between them."
"Or maybe giving the crown to him." He whispered and started crying.

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