31 (A couple)

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Jin pov

"Your highness why we came out?" He chuckled and looked at me.
"You don't like outside the castel anymore?"
"No your highness of course I like but it all of a sudden. You wanna check something?" He shook his head.

"So why we came out?"
"I always wanted to come out and walk with my husband like the other couples. Like we are not the crown prince and young great prince. Like two husbands." I smiled.
"I like that!" I said and he kissed my hand which he was holding tightly.

"You don't have pain anymore?" I shook my head.
"I am all fine! No pain! I eat well sleep well and eat my medicines too. I am completely fine your highness."
"Then I am really happy!"

My eyes then went to the sweets I always eat outside the castel.
"You want sweet?" I looked at him and nodded.
He chuckled.
"Don't pout like that! Let's go and buy then." I smiled and we went to the woman who was salling sweets.

"Can you give us this sweets, and these ones and those."
"Your highness they are alot." He looked at me with brows upward.
"Like you don't eat all of them."
"Jungkook!" He chuckled and the woman gave the sweets to us.
"How much does it cost?"
"10 coins." He nodded and handed her the coins.

"Ah if Jisoo was here she would love them."
"I missed her." I nodded.
"Me too!"
"Your highness here!" I then gave him some sweets.
"Hmmm it is why you like this much." I chuckled.

"Whenever I come out and walk like this around people I remember the day I first met you." I thought for some minutes. He met me in Bakjae's great palace.

"Your highness we met in Bakjae's great palace."
"No! I saw you in Bakjae's capital. Screaming toward a man who was bothering a child and hitting him. You stood infornt of him and gave him to guards and then hold the child in your arms."
"You were in Bakjae that day?"
"I came to check the city before entering the palace when I saw you."

He then looked at me.
"But didn't know you are going to be my prince." I smiled.
"Are you happy about it?"
"You being my prince?" I nodded.
"I am the happiest. I am blessed with you!"
"Your highness!" He looked at me and smiled.
"You like to go to Han river and do fishing?" He asked me and I nodded.
"I love that!"

Irene pov

"So that shamless girl did that?"
"Yes mother!"
"I wonder when she stopes her works."
"Mother we can enter Silla's castel an-"
"Kill her?" Beomgyu looked at me.
"Mother it is the only way we get rid of that rude and betrayal gi-"

"Beomgyu are we killer? What is the difference between us and her if we do what she has done?"
"We havd some plans about Silla. We will trial her and then will make a decision about her."
"Yes your highness!"

"How's your father?" He bit his bottom lip. King is sick for the past month from the time he cam efrom war.
"The doctor is checking him. He said going to war was not a good decision. The infection is expanding." I sighed as tears fell on my cheek.
"I must see him now. Tell the doctor do his best for our king."

Jungkook pov

I looked at Jin who was busy with a wood and was writting and drawing things with that on the ground.

"What are you doing?" He looked at me and smiled.
"I'm drawing."
"What are you drawing?"
"Come here!" I went and sat next to him.

"It is the sun in the sky!"
"So you drew us?" He smiled and nodded.
"It is really beautiful." He smiled and I hold him.

"Ah! Look!" He pointed to a tree. I smiled as I saw a blossom.
"Spring is coming!"
"Yes! I love spring."
"Me too! The change of everything. The trees will wake up! Everyone will move more. Everyone start a new life."

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