20 (Complicated)

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Jin pov

"Jisoo it is time to go to your palace. Come here."
"Nooooo! I wanna stay and play with brother."
I sighed and looked at Yeonjun who was yawning. He needs to go to his nanny so she can put him in sleep.

"Yeonjun is sleepy I am sure crown prince is tired too. You wanna make him even more tired?" I asked her and she pouted with tightened eyes.
"Ok! I will go." I stood up Yeonjun in my arms.

"You will go?" I nodded.
"I must give him to his nanny myself to be sure he is safe. Iw ill come after that yoru highness."
"I will come too."
"No your highenss I-"

"I will come. I will take princess to her palace and you can take prince Yeonjun to his palace." I nodded. He then hold Jisoo's hand and we came out.

I looked at Yeonjun who put his head on my shoulder and was near to sleep. His eyes were near to close.
"Can I come to you tomorrow?" Jisoo asked.
"Yes you can come whenever you want." Prince answered her and smiled.

I chuckled as they were speaking about different topics. I wonder how they got this close!
A cold wind came and I put Yeonjun's blanket near his face.
"Is he fine?" Prince asked.
"Yes I put blanket all over his body."
"You sure?" I nodded.
"Yes he is fine your highness!"

We then arrived Yeonjun's palace.
"Your highness I will go in and give him to his nanny. Jisoo's palace is near here. Jisoo you can go yoruself yeah?"
"I will take her."
"Your high-"
"Go and put him in his bed. He is asleep and he will catch cold if he stay out."

I bowed and he hold Jisoo in his arms and went.
I heard Wendy giggled and looked at her.

"Sorry your highness!"
"We must go inside." She nodded. I entered his room and put him in his bed and covered him by his blanket.

Tapping on his stomache lightly I made sure he is asleep.
I looked at his nanny.
"Give him something when he gets up ok? He did alot today and is tired so let him sleep well." She bowed.
"Yes your highness!"

I came out of his room and his palace.
I was looking for prince Jungkook but didn't find him.
"I wonder where is he! I am sure Jisoo made him to stay." I sighed and took my way to Jisoo's palace. She is spoiled and wants what she wants. And now she finds a new person to spoil her will ask him everything.

"I am sure Jisoo is asking whatever she wants now." Wendy chuckled.
"Princess Jisoo is so lovable. She caught attentions soon."
"Yes but she is spoiled."
"Your highness prince Jungkook do this cause he loves you." I stopped and looked at her.

"It is the second time you are saying this." She bit his bottom lip and giggled.
"I say what I see." I sighed and started walking but someone stopped me.

"Your highnes she is....she is..."
"I know who she is."
I walked my way as she was coming to me. As rude as past.
She stopped infront of me and bowed.

"Guess the last slaps on your face were effective." I told her and she greeted her teeth.
"Or maybe Silla taught you how to behave." She didn't say anything and bowed again.

"Your highness I am happy to see you again."
"Really? But I'm not!" She looked at me.
"Cause a betrayal is infornt of me. The one who must be killed now." She started breathing deeply.

"Your highness! Calm down it is not good for the baby." So she is pregnant.
"You can go to your palace now!" I told her and she bowed and left. I didn't missed her gaze when she left.
"She is shameless!" Wendy said.

"Brother you sure they won't understand?" I heard Jisoo but the voice was coming from under the stairs.
"Yeah! I used to escape from my room and palace like this when I was at the age of you!" Was it crown prince?

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