25 (Love you too)

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Jin pov

"Your highness queen Irene's here." I stood up as queen entered and bowed.
"Mother!" She smiled and hold me.
"I missed you." I smiled and hold her back.
"I missed you too mother."

She smiled.
"Sit!" I bowed and sit.
"Bring us tea and eatings."
"Yes your highness!"

"So how were your parents? I wish king and great prince are doing well."
"They were good your highness. My father wanted to see king Suho as well. I can say they've missed you."
"We missed them so much too. I wish we can see eachother. Maybe next time you and Jungkook stay in Gurio and me and king attend the ceremonies." I bowed my head.

She looked at my hand.
"Ah this prince Seokjin's ring. King gifted it to your father."
"Your highness my father gifted it to crown prince and he gave it to me." She smiled.
"Jungkook gave this to you?" I smiled and nodded.

She nodded.
"Good! It warmed my heart."
"Your highness!"
"Seokjin?" I looked at her.
"Yes mother."
"I saw Jungkook is here most of the times. I know things were not good at first but after he came back from the borders he changed and he told me he loves you."

"I know how hard it is for you to accept him. But remember he is your husband. I want you to thibk about him and his love. I can say he is sincere." I saw some tears on her cheeks.
"Mother." She quickly wiped her tears and smiled.
"I never ever saw Jungkook crying. But he cried cause of you. Seokjin son please I am asking this as a mother."

I hold her hands.
"Mother no need for crying. I already accepted crown prince's love." She smiled.
"I know he loves me. And accepted it but I am waiting to be sure about our feelings. I think you understand what I mean mother." She smiled.

"Of course son! It is your right. I am really happy. I was really sad and worry cause of this but now hearing you believed our crown prince it means alot." I smiled and hold her.
"Mother thank you for always being next to me. It means alot to me."
"You are my son! A mother must always be next to her children."

Jungkook pov

"Prince Taehyung and I talked about lots of things but the most important one was mixing our armies."
"Mixing?" He nodded.
"Yes father! I told him to make Bakjae's army ready like the way we do. With both armies Silla don't have any chance for winning." He nodded.

"You are right. What about food and other suppliments?"
"Bakjae and Gurio will give it half and half." He nodded.
"Good idea. So we must get ready and wait for Silla's movement."
"Exactly! We must wait that they start the war. Till then we must make the army and suppliments ready."

"We must make people ready too. They are afraid."
"I have a plan for that."
"Yes your highness!"

Jin pov

We were at the great palace waiting for king to enter.
"Your highness do you know what is about? Why king called all of us?" I asked prince Jungkook. We just arrived from Bakjae and king asked all of the governers to come.
"You will find it soon." I nodded.

"King Suho enters!" We all bowed as king enters.
"So the reason I called you is getting ready for the upcoming war."
"Up coming war your highness?" The first minsiter asked.

"Yes! All of us know Silla is getting ready for a war. Sure they will attack Gurio or Bakjae. In both situations we must be ready cause Gurio and Bakjae will mix their armies." The governers started whispwring together.

"It is a very wise idea. Bakjae has a big army and best fighters." War minister said.
"And more Bakjae will provide half of the foods and weapons." Prince said. So they were talking about these things with brother.

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